
Request 600701 accepted

- bsc#1085064 Packaging issues have been discovered around the
openldap_update_modules_path.sh which has been corrected:
- the spec file was wrongly configured, therefore the script has
never been called
- the script should create the symlinks first, as slapcat is
useless on a system which is already affected.

Request History
Zsolt KALMAR's avatar

zkalmar created request

- bsc#1085064 Packaging issues have been discovered around the
openldap_update_modules_path.sh which has been corrected:
- the spec file was wrongly configured, therefore the script has
never been called
- the script should create the symlinks first, as slapcat is
useless on a system which is already affected.

Michael Ströder's avatar

stroeder accepted request

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