
Request 719500 accepted

- version update to 1.0.14
* The n filter is now supported in the <%page> tag. This allows a template to omit the default expression filters throughout a whole template, for those cases where a
template-wide filter needs to have default filtering disabled.
* Fixed issue where the correct file URI would not be shown in the template-formatted exception traceback if the template filename were not known. Additionally fixes an issue
where stale filenames would be displayed if a stack trace alternated between different templates.
* Improved the line-number tracking for source lines inside of Python <% ... %> blocks, such that text- and HTML-formatted exception traces such as that of
html_error_template() now report the correct source line inside the block, rather than the first line of the block itself. Exceptions in <%! ... %> blocks which get raised
while loading the module are still not reported correctly, as these are handled before the Mako code is generated.

Request History
Petr Gajdos's avatar

pgajdos created request

- version update to 1.0.14
* The n filter is now supported in the <%page> tag. This allows a template to omit the default expression filters throughout a whole template, for those cases where a
template-wide filter needs to have default filtering disabled.
* Fixed issue where the correct file URI would not be shown in the template-formatted exception traceback if the template filename were not known. Additionally fixes an issue
where stale filenames would be displayed if a stack trace alternated between different templates.
* Improved the line-number tracking for source lines inside of Python <% ... %> blocks, such that text- and HTML-formatted exception traces such as that of
html_error_template() now report the correct source line inside the block, rather than the first line of the block itself. Exceptions in <%! ... %> blocks which get raised
while loading the module are still not reported correctly, as these are handled before the Mako code is generated.

Tomáš Chvátal's avatar

scarabeus_iv accepted request

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