Request 719500 accepted
- version update to 1.0.14
* The n filter is now supported in the <%page> tag. This allows a template to omit the default expression filters throughout a whole template, for those cases where a
template-wide filter needs to have default filtering disabled.
* Fixed issue where the correct file URI would not be shown in the template-formatted exception traceback if the template filename were not known. Additionally fixes an issue
where stale filenames would be displayed if a stack trace alternated between different templates.
* Improved the line-number tracking for source lines inside of Python <% ... %> blocks, such that text- and HTML-formatted exception traces such as that of
html_error_template() now report the correct source line inside the block, rather than the first line of the block itself. Exceptions in <%! ... %> blocks which get raised
while loading the module are still not reported correctly, as these are handled before the Mako code is generated.
Request History
pgajdos created request
- version update to 1.0.14
* The n filter is now supported in the <%page> tag. This allows a template to omit the default expression filters throughout a whole template, for those cases where a
template-wide filter needs to have default filtering disabled.
* Fixed issue where the correct file URI would not be shown in the template-formatted exception traceback if the template filename were not known. Additionally fixes an issue
where stale filenames would be displayed if a stack trace alternated between different templates.
* Improved the line-number tracking for source lines inside of Python <% ... %> blocks, such that text- and HTML-formatted exception traces such as that of
html_error_template() now report the correct source line inside the block, rather than the first line of the block itself. Exceptions in <%! ... %> blocks which get raised
while loading the module are still not reported correctly, as these are handled before the Mako code is generated.
scarabeus_iv accepted request