
Request 810885 accepted

- Add patch to fix a memory issue that in some cases might make
borg use more than 32 GB of memory for an operation that shouldn't
consume any memory at all, thus forcing the kernel to kill the process:
* 0001-rename-local-preload-function-to-not-overwrite-keyword-argument.patch


Hans-Peter Jansen's avatar

Wow, good catch, Antonio.

Request History
Antonio Larrosa's avatar

alarrosa created request

- Add patch to fix a memory issue that in some cases might make
borg use more than 32 GB of memory for an operation that shouldn't
consume any memory at all, thus forcing the kernel to kill the process:
* 0001-rename-local-preload-function-to-not-overwrite-keyword-argument.patch

Antonio Larrosa's avatar

alarrosa accepted request

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