This request is superseded by
request 828193
(Show diff)
Request 828044 superseded
Use memoryperjob constraint instead of %limit_build macro.
- Created by marxin
- In state superseded
- Package maintainers: StefanBruens and frispete
- Superseded by 828193
Request History
marxin created request
Use memoryperjob constraint instead of %limit_build macro.
superseded by 828193
Cool, build fails!
Build fails now! Will wait with accepting your Blender request until this is fixed in order to avoid multiple builds..
Hm, the package assembles 2 .s files which each has ~1GB. There's CPU and memory usage graph:
You hit:
which will be fixed in next binutils release.
With the fixed GAS we can get to:
Interesting. Yes, I know, that embree is a somewhat pathological case.
But this version wasn't buildable at all.
I don't see much improvement in terms of memory usage, though. gas seems to exceed 12 GB now.
Yes, memory usage is quite similar, but it's much more faster.