
Request 871083 accepted

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Luigi Baldoni's avatar

Wouldn't a one liner %{!?_modprobedir: %define _modprobedir /etc/modprobe.d/} be neater?

Also aren't package-supplied files supposed to be put into /usr/lib/modprobe.d and /usr/lib/modules-load.d respectively?

Frederic Crozat's avatar

I agree on the one-liner.

For modprobe.d, I check the manpage and the binary and /usr/lib/modprobe.d is not used (as least on SLE15 SP2/Leap 15.2) at all, /lib/modprobe.d should be used instead, there. for modulesloaddir, yes, /usr/lib is better.

Request History
Frederic Crozat's avatar

fcrozat created request

Luigi Baldoni's avatar

alois accepted request

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