
Request 876963 accepted

- Fix %systemd_user_post. The --global parameter was handled as if
it was another service name so %systemd_user_post wasn't working
properly. Replace %systemd_user_post with the code from
%service_add_post it was being expanded to but correctly passing
--global to systemctl (boo#1183051, boo#1182661).

Request History
Antonio Larrosa's avatar

alarrosa created request

- Fix %systemd_user_post. The --global parameter was handled as if
it was another service name so %systemd_user_post wasn't working
properly. Replace %systemd_user_post with the code from
%service_add_post it was being expanded to but correctly passing
--global to systemctl (boo#1183051, boo#1182661).

Franck Bui's avatar

fbui accepted request


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