Request 896876 accepted
- updated to 9.19
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
9.19 2021-06-01
- This release contains fixes for security issues, everybody should upgrade!
- Swiched from HMAC-SHA1 to HMAC-SHA256 for signed cookies. Note that this means that all sessions will be reset.
- Improved signed cookie based sessions to pad short values, to make it harder to brute force attack the application
secret. (jberger)
Request History
tinita created request
- updated to 9.19
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
9.19 2021-06-01
- This release contains fixes for security issues, everybody should upgrade!
- Swiched from HMAC-SHA1 to HMAC-SHA256 for signed cookies. Note that this means that all sessions will be reset.
- Improved signed cookie based sessions to pad short values, to make it harder to brute force attack the application
secret. (jberger)
kraih accepted request