
Request 902438 accepted

- Replace pulling in yast2-python-bindings with yast2-python3-bindings.
- Drop (almost empty) gnome_basis_opt pattern from the DVD (no relevance).
- Drop gnome_ide pattern from DVD (mainly gnome-builder, users of
it will want many more devel packages, so they use the FTP
tree anyway).

Request History
Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl created request

- Replace pulling in yast2-python-bindings with yast2-python3-bindings.
- Drop (almost empty) gnome_basis_opt pattern from the DVD (no relevance).
- Drop gnome_ide pattern from DVD (mainly gnome-builder, users of
it will want many more devel packages, so they use the FTP
tree anyway).

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar accepted request

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