Michael Calmer's avatar

Michael Calmer


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Involved Projects and Packages

JCache is the Java caching API. It was defined by JSR107. It defines a standard Java Caching API for use by developers and a standard SPI (“Service Provider Interface”) for use by implementers.

This is a Java implementation of SCRAM (Salted Challenge Response
Authentication Mechanism) which is part of the family of Simple
Authentication and Security Layer (SASL, RFC 4422) authentication
mechanisms. It is described as part of RFC 5802 and RFC7677.

StringPrep is the preparation of internationalized strings (stringprep, RFC 3454).

PostgreSQL is an advanced Object-Relational database management
system. The postgresql-jdbc package includes the .jar files needed for
Java programs to access a PostgreSQL database.


PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) is a system security tool that
allows system administrators to set authentication policies without
having to recompile programs that do authentication.


NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.


NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.


NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.


NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.


NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.


NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.


NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.


CrackLib tests passwords to determine whether they match
certainsecurity-oriented characteristics. You can use CrackLib to
stopusers from choosing passwords that are too simple.This package
contains a full dictionary file used by cracklib.

CrackLib tests passwords to determine whether they match certain
security-oriented characteristics. You can use CrackLib to stop users
from choosing passwords that are easy to guess.


Kerberos V5 is a trusted-third-party network authentication system,
which can improve your network's security by eliminating the insecure
practice of clear text passwords.

Kerberos V5 is a trusted-third-party network authentication system,
which can improve your network's security by eliminating the insecure
practice of clear text passwords.


Kerberos V5 is a trusted-third-party network authentication
system,which can improve your network's security by eliminating the
insecurepractice of clear text passwords. This package includes
extended documentation for MIT Kerberos.

Kerberos V5 is a trusted-third-party network authentication system,
which can improve your network's security by eliminating the insecure
practice of clear text passwords.

The pkinit-nss package implements the PKINIT standard for MIT Kerberos.
It does this, using the Mozilla NSS library.

A tray applet for watching, renewing, and reinitializing Kerberos


libHX is a C library (with some C++ bindings available) that provides
data structures and functions commonly needed, such as maps, deques,
linked lists, string formatting and autoresizing, option and config
file parsing, type checking casts and more.

libHX aids in quickly writing up C and C++ data processing programs,
by consolidating tasks that often happen to be open-coded, such as
(simple) config file reading, option parsing, directory traversal,
and others, into a library. The focus is on reducing the amount of
time (and secondarily, the amount of code) a developer has to spend
for otherwise implementing such.


LiMaL is an C++ framework enhancement for BloCXX. This package contains
the LiMaL core library which include some basic functionality like
logging and file handling.

Limal pluglib for AppArmor that provides hooks to enable and disable
the AppArmor service.

100 contributions in the last year
Contributions on 2024-04-04
2 reviews done
in requests: 1164570 1164573
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