Mike FABIAN's avatar



Involved Projects and Packages

TOMOE GTK+ library


Ucm is a small xfs-like widget specifically designed for Unicode fonts.
As opposed to xfs, ucm allows you to select an arbitrary character
which can then be pasted into another application or identify an
arbitrary character by pasting it into ucm.

Gifsicle twaddles GIF image files in a variety of ways. It is better
than many of the freely available GIF twaddlers on the market -- for
one thing, it has more options.

It supports merging several GIFs into a GIF animation; exploding an
animation into its component frames; changing individual frames in an
animation; turning interlacing on and off; adding transparency; adding
delays, disposals, and looping to animations; adding or removing
comments; flipping and rotation; optimizing animations for space; and
changing images' colormaps, among other things. Extensive command-line
options control which, if any, of these occur.

Gifview, a companion program requiring X11, displays GIF images and
animations on an X display. It can display multi-frame GIFs either as
slideshows, displaying one frame at a time, or as real-time animations.

Gifdiff, another companion program, checks two GIF files for identical
visual appearance. This is probably most useful for testing
GIF-manipulating software.


VFlib is a font library written in C language with several functions to
obtain bitmaps of fonts. Unique feature of VFlib is that fonts in
different formats are accessed by unified interface.

VFlib supports the following font formats: TeX fonts: PK, GF, VF,
TFM Omega TeX fonts: OFM (level 0), OVF X Window fonts: PCF, BDF Other
fonts: TrueType, Type 1, HBF, Syotai Club, JG, ekanji


W3m-el is a simple interface program to use w3m with Emacs.

W3 is the most well known WEB browser which works on (X)Emacs, but it
is very slow. w3m-el is a simple and speedy alternative.

W3m-el uses w3m, which is a pager with WWW capability, developed by
Akinori ITO. It is a pager, but it can be used as a text-mode WWW

Wanderlust is a mail and news management system with IMAP4rev1 support
for Emacsen. This package is for XEmacs.


The Window Manager Icons is an efficient icon distribution designed to
be standardized and configurable. Includes several themed icon sets,
scripts, and configurations for several window managers.


Thai word segmentation utility.


Japanese online manuals for X11

Korean 8x4x4 johab fonts.


Anthy (previously called 'Ancy'):

Canna, FreeWnn, and others are famous Kana-Kanji conversion engines
usable for Unix on PCs. They were originally developed for Japanese
Unix workstations around 1990 and development has practically stopped.
Therefore, the Heke Project is writing a free conversion engine from
scratch (apart from the dictionary, which is developed outside of the
Heke Project).


A Portable Emacs Library

bdfresize is a command for magnifying or shrinking fonts described in
the standard BDF format.


Canna converts Kana to Kanji based on a client/server model. An
application program communicates with a Kana to Kanji conversion server
to achieve Japanese input. Canna can be used in Emacs, X Window System
environments, and on TTYs. Canna provides more than ten tools to
maintain Kana to Kanji conversion dictionaries.

A postal code extension dictionary for Canna.


This dictionary has been compiled as a supplement to the dictionaries
distributed with Canna3.5b2. It is based on Kana-Kanji conversion
dictionaries distributed under the GPL and Kana-Kanji conversion
distributed without restrictions. While using this dictionary, many
missing words have been successively added. Currently the main
dictionary and the suffix and prefix dictionary together contain about
130,000 words.


Cedilla is a "best-effort" text printer that uses Unicode internally.

Using Unicode means that the set of characters that can appear in the
input is very large and the user may very well have no font available
that contains glyphs for the characters that the user wants to print.
Cedilla attempts to at least partially solve this problem using a
number of techniques:

1. 1. Cedilla can use an arbitrary number of downloadable fonts. For
any given print job, only the necessary fonts are downloaded.

1. 2. Cedilla uses its own built-in font, which contains a number of
useful glyphs that are missing from standard fonts.

1. 3. Cedilla modifies existing glyphs in order to, for example, remove
dots or add bars.

1. 4. Cedilla attempts to build composite glyphs (for accented
characters, for example) on the fly.

1. 5. Cedilla uses fallbacks for characters that are not supported by the
available fonts.


Darts is a simple C++ template library to construct Double-Arrays [Aoe
1989]. Double-Arrays are data structures to represent Trie. These are
faster than other Trie implementations.

Darts is used by Chasen.


EB Library is a C library for accessing CD-ROM books. It can be built
on UNIX-based systems. EB Library supports accessing CD-ROM books in
EB, EBG, EBXA, EBXA-C, S-EBXA, and EPWING formats. CD-ROM books in
those formats are popular in Japan. Because CD-ROM books themselves
are based on the ISO 9660 format, you can mount the CDs in the same way
as other ISO 9660 CDs.


eblook is a command line tool that uses the EB library. It provides
easy access to many electronic dictionaries published on CD-ROM.

It is recommended that you install the Emacs interface lookup.el, too.
Although it is possible to use eblook from the command line, using it
with Emacs or XEmacs and lookup.el is much easier and offers many extra

You can get lookup.el from http://lookup.sourceforge.net/.

lookup.el is already included as a package in recent versions of


Electronic Book Viewer is a program for reading EPWING CD-ROM


For coding and decoding MIME messages.

FLIM is a library that provides basic features about message
representation or encoding.

FontTools is a suite of tools and libraries for manipulating fonts
written in Python.

It currently reads and writes TrueType font files, reads PostScript
Type 1 fonts, and more. It contains two command line programs to
convert TrueType fonts to an XML based format (called TTX) and back.


This library implements the algorithm as described in the "Unicode
Standard Annex #9, the Bidirectional Algorithm,
http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr9/". FriBidi is exhaustively
tested against the Bidi Reference Code and, to the best of the
developers' knowledge, does notcontain any conformance bugs.

The API was inspired by the document "Bi-Di languages support - BiDi
API proposal" by Franck Portaneri, which he wrote as a proposal for
adding BiDi support to Mozilla.

125 contributions in the last year
Contributions on 2023-08-31
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