Revisions of ASTAP

Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) committed (revision 16)
- Update to 0.9.573:
  * Fixed persistent text location for flipped view.
  * Viewer, added an option to annotate in the image data (persistent).
    See popup menu "Add annotation", add  @ to the text.
  * Small cosmetic menu changes.
  * Adapted automatic binning to cropping and so increasing
    the solver reliability for FOV larger then 5 degrees.
  * Fixed a cropping problem for very large FOV.
  * Adapted star annotation for very large FOV.
  * Fixed a range problem in undisturbed image scale calculation.
Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) committed (revision 15)
- Update to 0.9.569:
  * Improved routine for adding "SIP polynome" factors.
  * Added a routine to measure undisturbed image scale based on the center stars.
  * Improved indication "show distortion" including reporting the median astrometric error.
  * Changed background part of the solver.
  * Added an option to place the RA, DEC marker in the center by typing C.
  * Overhauled batch routine menus. Changed some icons.
  * Fixed a runtime error in AAVSO report for the case only one image is used.
  * Prevented a runtime error for large annulus used for star measurement.
Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) committed (revision 14)
- Update to 0.9.565:
  * Improvements in the limiting magnitude reporting.
  * Improved limiting magnitude calculation.
  * Added a magnitude estimate message in the photometry calibration.
Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) committed (revision 13)
fix spec
Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) committed (revision 12)
- Update to 0.9.562:
  * Added "Aberration Inspector"
  * Some minor corrections. Fixed message sub-sampling required
    for very large images.
  * Added a Simbad query for the popup menu.
  * Improved conversion to FITS routine, added PPM files, xisf.
Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) committed (revision 11)
- Update to 0.9.559:
  * Modified the alignment of the controls in the stack menu.
  * Improved SOLVER. Removed some flashing in the log.
  * Added a light curve to the photometry report.
  * Fixed a problem where jpeg, png and tiff where read in mono colours only. 
  * Improved reporting via keyword CALSTAT. Modified some messages.
  * ASTAP_CLI, fixed the -fov option of the astap_cli version.
    Fixed also a run time error using stdin.
Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) committed (revision 10)
- Update to 0.9.555:
  * Modified "magnitude measured annotation" menu option.
    Added a calculated 10 sigma limited magnitude indication.
  * Fixed arm64 version for the RaspberryPi.
  * For command line and using LibRaw, now creating consistent file extensions
    for .log and.wcs log files. So .CR3 is resulting in .ini and .wcs files
    and not in .CR3.ini and .CR3.wcs log files.
  * Cosmetic changes.
  * New menu for SQM measurement.
  * Fixed restoring saved check marks file list.
  * Fixed option calibration and alignment.
  * Fixed writing values above 65535 in 16 bit format.
  * Improved SQM routine for DSLR images.
Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) committed (revision 9)
- Update to 0.9.550:
  * Modified blink routine. Keeps now solution in memory
    rather then in separate files.
  * Fixed calibration prior to solving
  * Introduced new menu to inspector for measuring relative
    median background values.
  * Added internal routine to inspector to convert colour to mono
    for better accuracy of coloured images
  * Fixed a minor problem if change keyword is applied on .CR2 files.
Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) committed (revision 8)
- Update to 0.9.547:
  * Replaced in CCD inspector menu the box filter by normalise option.
  * Reorganised tab stack menu.
  * Improved loading time.
  * Added normalise filter for OSC flats.
  * Cosmetic corrections stack menus.
  * Improved loading time when stack menu contains many files.
  * Fixed several annotation problems.
  * Fixed dave-avg calculation which was broken.
  * Added a menu option to add some data to the bottom of the screen.
  * Allowing LSHO stacking.
  * Added some extra messages for photometry.
  * Fixed a minor problem at RA=0.
Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) committed (revision 7)
- Update to 0.9.540:
  * Added in tab result an option to add the time to the filenames
  * Fixed a run time error occuring after clicking on colour images
    or debayering with 130% scale layout
  * Moved font away from star for inspector menu HFD values since
    it influenced the measurment
  * Improved the date input interface for asteroid annotation
  * Fixed reporting of luminance filter for stacking
  * Fixed for blink and photometry tab a wrong column for data/time
  * Added the min HFD filter to analyse the image list
  * Fixed saving the smooth filter diameter
  * Added a "remove green & purple" filter for Hubble palette
  * Added a second CCD inspector menu using stars with SNR>10
  * Simplied menu "creating star test images"
Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) committed (revision 6)
- Update to 0.9.533:
  * Improved saturation detection for images with max values below 65000
  * Further improved grid
  * Reintroduced log scale for histogram.
Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) committed (revision 5)
fix spec
Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) committed (revision 4)
- Merge ASTAP and ASTAP-dbs
Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) committed (revision 3)
fix spec
Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) committed (revision 2)
fix spec
Paolo Stivanin's avatar Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) committed (revision 1)
osc copypac from project:home:polslinux:astrophotography package:ASTAP revision:71
Displaying revisions 81 - 96 of 96
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