Revisions of vim
Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx)
(revision 786)
- Updated to version 9.0.1357, fixes the following problems * Setting 'formatoptions' with :let doesn't check for errors. * The code for setting options is too complicated. * Scrolling two lines with even line count and 'scrolloff' set. * 'splitkeep' test has failures. * Coverity warns for using a NULL pointer. * Cursor position wrong when splitting window in insert mode. * Some settings use the current codepage instead of 'encoding'. * :messages behavior depends on 'fileformat' of current buffer. * Escaping for completion of map command not properly tested. * Crash when using an unset object variable. * Code style test fails. * PRQL files are not recognized. * Checking the type of a null object causes a crash. * vimscript test fails where using {expr} syntax. * Crash when indexing "any" which is an object. * Build failure with +eval feature. * "gj" and "gk" do not move correctly over a closed fold. * 'colorcolumn' highlight wrong with virtual text above. * Relative line number not updated with virtual text above. * Cursor in wrong position below line with virtual text below ending in multi-byte character. * Error when using "none" for GUI color is confusing. * Completion of map includes simplified ones. * Handling new value of an option has a long "else if" chain. * Illegal memory access when using :ball in Visual mode. * Crash when using buffer-local user command in cmdline window. (Karl Yngve Lervåg) * When redo'ing twice <ScriptCmd> may not get the script ID. * Using tt_member for the class leads to mistakes.
request 1066374
Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx)
(revision 785)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx)
request 1066368
Petr Vorel (pevik)
(revision 784)
- Add patch vim-fix-sh-syntax.patch which fixes broken sh syntax.
request 1065550
Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx)
(revision 783)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx)
(revision 782)
- Updated to version 9.0.1307, fixes the following problems * Crash when using search stat in narrow screen. * Using sizeof() and subtract array size is tricky. * Typo in pattern for filetype detection. * "1v" may select block with wrong size. (Evgeni Chasnovski) * FIRRTL files are not recognized. * The code for setting options is too complicated. * Some mappings with Meta and Shift do not work. * Cursor may move with autocmd in Visual mode. * files are not recognized. * Display shows lines scrolled down erroneously. (Yishai Lerner) * Inssufficient testing for what 9.0.1265 fixes. * Cadence files are not recognized. * Ron files are not recognized. * The code for setting options is too complicated. * Compiler warnings for uninitialized variables. (Tony Mechelynck) * Various small problems. * Coverity warns for using a NULL pointer. * With the Kitty key protocl Esc with NumLock cannot be mapped. * FunC files are not recognized. * A newer version of clang can be used for CI. * CTRL-N and -P on cmdline don't trigger CmdlineChanged. * Move language files are not recognized. * :defer may call the wrong method for an object. (Ernie Rael) * The set_num_option() is too long. * The set_bool_option() function is too long. * The option initialization function is too long. * Calling an object method with arguments does not work. (Ernie Rael) * Wrong value for $LC_CTYPE makes the environ test fail. * Inserting a register on the command line does not trigger incsearch or
request 1062434
Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx)
(revision 781)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx)
(revision 780)
- Updated to version 9.0.1270, fixes the following problems * The code style has to be checked manually. * MS-Windows console: not flushing termguicolors. * Code in same_leader() can be simplified. * Code is indented more than necessary. * :runtime completion can be further improved. * Cannot have a line break before an object member access. * Cannot access a private object member in a lambda defined inside the class. * Coverity warns for not checking function return value. * Code for :runtime completion is not consistent. * :setglobal cannot use script-local function for "expr" option. * Cursor briefly displayed in a wrong position when pressing Esc in Insert mode after autoindent was used. * Code is indented more than necessary. * Code is indented more than necessary. * Divide by zero with 'smoothscroll' set and a narrow window. * Cannot export an interface. (Ernie Rael) * Cannot export an abstract class. (Ernie Rael) * Cannot use an object method with :defer. (Ernie Rael) * Checking returned value of ga_grow() is inconsistent. * MS-Windows: scrollback cropped off on Vim exit. * Calling a method on an interface does not work. * Changing 'virtualedit' does not have immediate effect. * NetworkManager connection files are not recognized. * Code style is not check in test scripts. * Code style test fails. * Diffmode test fails. * Coverity warns for possible NULL pointer usage. * Elsa files are not recognized. * The did_set_string_option function is too long.
request 1061139
Martin Pluskal (pluskalm)
(revision 779)
baserev update by copy to link target
Martin Pluskal (pluskalm)
request 1061128
Jiri Slaby (jirislaby)
(revision 778)
- drop vim-8.0-ttytype-test.patch as it changes test_options.vim which we remove during %prep anyway. And this breaks quilt setup.
request 1060392
Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx)
(revision 777)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx)
(revision 776)
- Updated to version 9.0.1234, fixes the following problems * Return value of type() for class and object unclear. * Invalid memory access with folding and using "L". * Some Bazel files are not recognized. * No error when class function argument shadows a member. * Cannot map <Esc> when using the Kitty key protocol. * Compiler warning for comparing pointer with int. * Restoring KeyTyped when building statusline not tested. * Code is indented more than necessary. * Dump file missing from patch. * Abstract class not supported yet. * Crash when using kitty and using a mapping with <Esc>. * AppVeyor builds with an old Python version. * Assignment with operator doesn't work in object method. * Crash when iterating over list of objects. * Return type of values() is always list<any>. * Expression compiled the wrong way after using an object. * Crash when handling class that extends another class with more than one object members. * Testing with Python on AppVeyor does not work properly. * Error when object type is expected but getting "any". * Code is indented more than necessary. * Getting interface member does not always work. * Compiler complains about declaration after label. * Storing value in interface member does not always work. * Cannot read back what setcellwidths() has done. * Adding a line below the last one does not expand fold. * File left behind after running tests. * Using isalpha() adds dependency on current locale. * Coverity warns for ignoring return value.
request 1058175
Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx)
(revision 775)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx)
(revision 774)
- Updated to version 9.0.1188, fixes the following problems - refreshed vim-7.4-highlight_fstab.patch * Float constant not recognized as float. * Type error when using "any" type and adding a number to a float. * Leaking allocated type. * Termcap entries for RGB colors are not set automatically. * test_mswin_event() can hang. * Users cannot easily try out a PR. * CI does not use the latest Python version. * Code is indented more than needed. * Compiler may complain about an unused function. * Terminfo entries for bracketed paste are not used. * Sporadic test failures when using a terminal window. * Type of arguments not checked when calling a partial. * Tex filetype detection not sufficiently tested. * Cursor positioning and display problems with 'smoothscroll' and using "zt", "zb" or "zz". * Class member access is not fully tested yet. * Class function not implemented yet. * Virtual text at a column position is truncated at the window edge. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) * Memory leak when using class functions. * Bracketed paste can be enabled when pasted text is not recognized. * No error if function argument shadows class member. * Build failure. * Sporadic Test_range() failure. * Unexpected output when autoloading a script for an interactive operation. * Build failure without the +eval feature. * Code is indented more than needed. * Error message names do not match the items.
request 1055871
Martin Pluskal (pluskalm)
(revision 773)
baserev update by copy to link target
Martin Pluskal (pluskalm)
request 1055751
Ludwig Nussel (lnussel)
(revision 772)
Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)
request 1045717
Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx)
(revision 771)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx)
(revision 770)
- Updated to version 9.0.1107, fixes the following problems * build fails if the compiler doesn't allow for a declaration right after "case". * ASAN complains about NULL argument. * Can add text property with negative ID before virtual text property. * With the +vartabs feature indent folding may use wrong 'tabstop'. * Leaking memory when defining a user command fails. * The "kitty" terminfo entry is not widespread, resulting in the kitty terminal not working properly. * Using "->" with split lines does not always work. * Some jsonc files are not recognized. * Empty and comment lines in a class cause an error. * Code handling low level MS-Windows events cannot be tested. * Compiler warns for uninitialized variable. * Display wrong in Windows terminal after exiting Vim. * Autocommand test sometimes fails. * Clang warns for unused variable. * unnessary assignment * FHIR Shorthand files are not recognized. * Assignment to non-existing member causes a crash. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) * Search error message doesn't show used pattern. * Using freed memory of object member. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) * Compiler warning when HAS_MESSAGE_WINDOW is not defined. * Using freed memory when declaration fails. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) * Reallocating hashtab when the size didn't change. * Tests are failing. * Code uses too much indent. * Trying to resize a hashtab may cause a problem.
request 1043738
Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx)
(revision 769)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx)
(revision 768)
- Updated to version 9.0.1075, fixes the following problems * refreshed vim-7.4-highlight_fstab.patch * Test for <Cmd> mapping with CmdlineChanged fails. * Cannot define a method in a class. * ASAN gives false alarm about array access. * Macro has confusing name and is duplicated. * Setting window height using Python may cause errors. * In a class object members cannot be initialized. * Class method disassemble test fails on MS-Windows. * Matchparen is slow. * With "screenline" in 'culopt' cursorline highlight is wrong. * Crash when opening a very small terminal window. * Using freed memory when assigning to variable twice. * After a failed CTRL-W ] next command splits window. * Using freed memory on exit when EXITFREE is defined. * Default constructor arguments are not optional. * Object member can't get type from initializer. * Coverity warns for using uninitialized memory. * Leaking memory when disassembling an object method. * Conflict between supercollider and scala filetype detection. * String value of class and object do not have useful information. * Build failure with some compilers that can't handle a declaration directly after a "case" statement. * Cannot display 'showcmd' somewhere else. * Some test function names do not match what they are doing. * When using Kitty a shell command may mess up the key protocol state. * Code for making 'shortmess' temporarily empty is repeated. * A shell command switching screens may still have a problem with the kitty keyboard protocol. * Test function name is wrong.
request 1041886
Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx)
(revision 767)
baserev update by copy to link target
Displaying revisions 81 - 100 of 866