Revisions of rubygem-pry

Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 17)
- updated to version
 * fixed pager bug (wouldn't render color codes in some circumstances)
 * added Pry.last_internal_error, useful for devs debugging commands
 * fix Pry.run_command
 * improve `ls` output
 * add :requires_gem => "jist" to 'gist' command (so deps can be installed
        via install-command)
 * improve help for 'edit' command
 * minor bug fix for gist on windows, rescuing Jist::ClipboardError
 rather than letting the scary error spill out to users and potentially
 have them think the gist didnt post.
 * fixed minor bug in 'gist' command where i neglected to remove
   a call to a non-existent method (no_arg) which was called when
   `gist` is invoked with no parameters
 dependency changes:
 * upgrade the slop gem to version ~> 3.4
 * new optional dependency: Bond (you'll need to perform `gem install bond`).
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 134057 from Factory Maintainer's avatar Factory Maintainer (factory-maintainer) (revision 16)
baserev update by copy to link target
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 15)
- updated to version 0.9.10
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 128683 from Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) (revision 14)
baserev update by copy to link target
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 13)
remove doc again
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 12)
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 11)
fix requires
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 10)
- update to 0.9.10
 dependency changes:
 * #561 upgrade the slop gem to version 3
 * #590 move to the jist gem from gist.
 * upgrade method_source to 0.8
 new features:
 * #572 add --hist, -o and -k flags to gist command
 * #584 support show-source/doc on methods defined in class-eval
 * #585 support show-source/doc on gem methods defined in C
 * #596 add --disable-plugin and --select-plugin options
 * #597 allow "cd -" to switch between bindings
 * #612 add Pry.config.should_load_local_rc to turn off ./.pryrc
 * allow running a file of pry input with pry <file>
 * support colours in "ri" command
 * add before_eval hook
 * prompt now gets a lot more data when proc arity is 1
 bug fixes &c.
 * #554 removed the "req" command
 * #567 fix rendering bugs when starting pry
 * #568 fix Array#pretty_print on Jruby
 * #575 fix "edit" on windows
 * #576 fix "find-method" in the presence of badly behaved objects
 * #580 fix "whereami" in erb files on rails
 * #632 raise fewer exceptions while tab completing
 * #605 dont immediately quite pry when an error happens in readline
 * #606 support for ansicon to give jruby windows users colour
 * #613 massive speed improvements to show-source for modules
 * #620 improve whereami command when not in a binding.pry
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 9)
- update to
  * fixed ZeroDivisionError in correct_indentation, bug #558
  * fix double highlighting in rdoc, bug #562
  * autocreate configuration for plugins, bug #548
  * fixed `NoMethodError: undefined method `winsize' for #<IO:<STDOUT>>`, bug #549
  * fixes for jruby
  * breakage on `exit` syntax error, fixes, #550
  * heredoc content no longer auto-indented
  * show-doc would fail on some core classes, i.e `show-doc Bignum`. This is now fixed
  and show allow a wider range of core documentation to be viewed directly in Pry.
  * make correct_indentation's auto-colorization respect Pry.color
  * cleared up confusion in show-source/show-doc docs that -a switch applies to classes
  as well as modules
  * lines of input are syntax highlighted upon 'enter' keypress
  * show-source command can now show class/module sourcecode (use -a to see all monkeypatches). Hard dependency on ruby18_source_location gem in MRI 1.8
  * show-doc command can show class/module docs (use -a to see docs for all monkeypatches) Hard dependency on ruby18_source_location gem in MRI 1.8.
  * new `find-method` command, performs a recursive search in a namespace for the existence of methods.
  * pry-coolline now works properly with Pry (
  * alias_command method now much more powerful, e.g: alias_command "lM", "ls -M"
  * `whereami` is now more intelligent, automatically showing entire sourcecode of current method if current context is a method (thanks robgleeson).
  * new `raise-up` command. Allows you to raise an exception that will bubble out of pry (ending the session) and escape into enclosing program.
  remaining items:
  * fixed windows crashing bug when paging
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) accepted request 125068 from Sascha Peilicke's avatar Sascha Peilicke (saschpe) (revision 8)
initialized devel package after accepting 125068
Sascha Peilicke's avatar Sascha Peilicke (saschpe) committed (revision 7)
- Provide rubygem-pry-0_9 for rubygem-pry_debug (and probably others)
Sascha Peilicke's avatar Sascha Peilicke (saschpe) committed (revision 6)
- Don't split out doc package (fix last commit), because there is also
Sascha Peilicke's avatar Sascha Peilicke (saschpe) committed (revision 5)
- Update to version
  * ~/.pry_history wasnt being created (if it did not exist)! FIXED
  * `hist --save` saved colors! FIXED
  * added Pry#add_sticky_local API for adding sticky locals to individual pry instances
- Changes from version
  * various tweaks to improve rbx support
  * commands now support optional block arguments
  * much improved help command
  * updated method_source dependencya
  * added wtf command
  * jruby should now work in windows (though without color)
- Changes from version
  * fixed bugs related to --super
  * upgraded slop dependency
  * added edit -c (edit current line)
  * edit now respects Pry.config.disable_autoreload option
- Changes from version
  * fixed broken --no-plugins option
  * Ensure ARGV is not mutated during option parsing.
  * Use a more rbx-friendly test for unicodeness
  * Use rbx-{18,19}mode as indicated
  * Don't explode in gem-list [Fixes #453, #454]
  * Check for command-name collision on assignment [Fixes #450]
Marcus Rueckert's avatar Marcus Rueckert (darix) committed (revision 4)
- update to 0.9.8
Marcus Rueckert's avatar Marcus Rueckert (darix) committed (revision 3)
- update to 0.9.5
  - JRuby support, including show-method/edit-method and editor
    integration on both 1.8 and 1.9 versions
  - extended cd syntax: cd ../@x/y
  - play command now works much better with _in_ array (this is a
    very powerful feature, esp with Pry::NAV_PROMPT)
  - history saving/loading is now lightning fast
  - 'edit' (entered by itself) now opens current lines in input
    buffer in an editor, and evals on exit
  - 'edit' command is also, in general more intelligent
  - ls output no longer in array format, and colors can be
    configured, e.g: = :bright_blue
  - new switch-to command for moving around the binding stack
    without exiting out of sessions
  - more sophisticated prompts, Pry::NAV_PROMPT to ease deep
    spelunking of code
  - major bug fix for windows systems
  - much better support for huge objects, should no longer hang pry
    (see #245)
  - cat --ex and edit --ex now work better
  for all changes see /usr/lib*/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/pry-0.9.5/CHANGELOG
- dont split out the docs anymore: package conflicts with pry-doc
Marcus Rueckert's avatar Marcus Rueckert (darix) committed (revision 2)
- update to 0.9.2
  - fixed string interpolation bug (caused valid ruby code not to
    execute, sorry!)
  - fixed `ls` command, so it can properly display members of
    Object and classes, and BasicObject, etc
  - added a few git related commands to experimental command set,
    blame and diff
  - plugin system
  - regex commands
  - show-method works on methods defined in REPL
  - new command system/API
  - rubinius core support
  - more backports to ruby 1.8
  - inp/out special locals
  - _ex_ backtrace navigation object (_ex_.line, _ex_.file)
  - readline history saving/loading
  - prompt stack
  - more hooks
  - amend-line
  - play
  - show-input
  - edit
  - much more comprehensive test suite
  - support for new and old rubygems API
  - changed -s behaviour of ls (now excludes Object methods)
  - removed eval-file, lls, lcd, and a few other commands

- recommend gist.
Marcus Rueckert's avatar Marcus Rueckert (darix) committed (revision 1)
- initial package (0.8.3)
Displaying revisions 41 - 57 of 57
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