Revisions of python-scipy
request 786340
Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv)
(revision 37)
baserev update by copy to link target
Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv)
request 786334
Martin Liška (marxin)
(revision 36)
- Add -std=legacy in order to build with GCC10:
Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv)
request 785824
Egbert Eich (eeich)
(revision 35)
- 'umpfack' is a runtime dependency of scipy. No build time dependency to suitesparse is required (jsc#SLE-11732). - Get rid of site.cfg entirely as it is used nowhwere in scipy.
request 764663
Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv)
(revision 34)
baserev update by copy to link target
Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv)
(revision 33)
- Fix pybind11 devel dependency to match real name
request 758366
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
(revision 32)
baserev update by copy to link target
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
request 758365
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
(revision 31)
Update to 1.4.1
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
request 758028
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
(revision 30)
- Update to 1.4.0 - Rebase no_implicit_decl.patch
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
request 755598
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
(revision 29)
Update to 1.3.3
request 749751
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
(revision 28)
baserev update by copy to link target
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
(revision 27)
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
(revision 26)
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
(revision 25)
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
(revision 24)
request 724129
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
(revision 23)
baserev update by copy to link target
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
request 724128
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
(revision 22)
Update to 1.3.1
request 703999
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
(revision 21)
baserev update by copy to link target
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
request 703998
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
(revision 20)
- Update to 1.3.0 + Highlights of this release * Three new ``stats`` functions, a rewrite of ``pearsonr``, and an exact computation of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test * A new Cython API for bounded scalar-function root-finders in `scipy.optimize` * Substantial ``CSR`` and ``CSC`` sparse matrix indexing performance improvements * Added support for interpolation of rotations with continuous angular rate and acceleration in ``RotationSpline`` + New features > `scipy.interpolate` improvements * A new class ``CubicHermiteSpline`` is introduced. It is a piecewise-cubic interpolator which matches observed values and first derivatives. Existing cubic interpolators ``CubicSpline``, ``PchipInterpolator`` and ``Akima1DInterpolator`` were made subclasses of ``CubicHermiteSpline``. > `` improvements * For the Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF) `` now supports relational attributes. * `` can now parse Matrix Market format files with empty lines. > `scipy.linalg` improvements * Added wrappers for ``?syconv`` routines, which convert a symmetric matrix given by a triangular matrix factorization into two matrices and vice versa. * `scipy.linalg.clarkson_woodruff_transform` now uses an algorithm that leverages sparsity. This may provide a 60-90 percent speedup for dense input matrices. Truly sparse input matrices should also benefit from the improved sketch algorithm, which now correctly runs in ``O(nnz(A))`` time. * Added new functions to calculate symmetric Fiedler matrices and Fiedler companion matrices, named `scipy.linalg.fiedler` and `scipy.linalg.fiedler_companion`, respectively. These may be used for root finding. > `scipy.ndimage` improvements * Gaussian filter performances may improve by an order of magnitude in some cases, thanks to removal of a dependence on ``np.polynomial``. This may impact `scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter` for example. > `scipy.optimize` improvements * The `scipy.optimize.brute` minimizer obtained a new keyword ``workers``, which can be used to parallelize computation. * A Cython API for bounded scalar-function root-finders in `scipy.optimize` is available in a new module `scipy.optimize.cython_optimize` via ``cimport``. This API may be used with ``nogil`` and ``prange`` to loop over an array of function arguments to solve for an array of roots more quickly than with pure Python. * ``'interior-point'`` is now the default method for ``linprog``, and ``'interior-point'`` now uses SuiteSparse for sparse problems when the required scikits (scikit-umfpack and scikit-sparse) are available. On benchmark problems (gh-10026), execution time reductions by factors of 2-3 were typical. Also, a new ``method='revised simplex'`` has been added. It is not as fast or robust as ``method='interior-point'``, but it is a faster, more robust, and equally accurate substitute for the legacy ``method='simplex'``. * ``differential_evolution`` can now use a ``Bounds`` class to specify the bounds for the optimizing argument of a function. * `scipy.optimize.dual_annealing` performance improvements related to vectorisation of some internal code. > `scipy.signal` improvements * Two additional methods of discretization are now supported by `scipy.signal.cont2discrete`: ``impulse`` and ``foh``. * `scipy.signal.firls` now uses faster solvers * `scipy.signal.detrend` now has a lower physical memory footprint in some cases, which may be leveraged using the new ``overwrite_data`` keyword argument * `scipy.signal.firwin` ``pass_zero`` argument now accepts new string arguments that allow specification of the desired filter type: ``'bandpass'``, ``'lowpass'``, ``'highpass'``, and ``'bandstop'`` * `scipy.signal.sosfilt` may have improved performance due to lower retention of the global interpreter lock (GIL) in algorithm > `scipy.sparse` improvements * A new keyword was added to ``csgraph.dijsktra`` that allows users to query the shortest path to ANY of the passed in indices, as opposed to the shortest path to EVERY passed index. * `scipy.sparse.linalg.lsmr` performance has been improved by roughly 10 percent on large problems * Improved performance and reduced physical memory footprint of the algorithm used by `scipy.sparse.linalg.lobpcg` * ``CSR`` and ``CSC`` sparse matrix fancy indexing performance has been improved substantially > `scipy.spatial` improvements * `scipy.spatial.ConvexHull` now has a ``good`` attribute that can be used alongsize the ``QGn`` Qhull options to determine which external facets of a convex hull are visible from an external query point. * `scipy.spatial.cKDTree.query_ball_point` has been modernized to use some newer Cython features, including GIL handling and exception translation. An issue with ``return_sorted=True`` and scalar queries was fixed, and a new mode named ``return_length`` was added. ``return_length`` only computes the length of the returned indices list instead of allocating the array every time. * `scipy.spatial.transform.RotationSpline` has been added to enable interpolation of rotations with continuous angular rates and acceleration > `scipy.stats` improvements * Added a new function to compute the Epps-Singleton test statistic, `scipy.stats.epps_singleton_2samp`, which can be applied to continuous and discrete distributions. * New functions `scipy.stats.median_absolute_deviation` and `scipy.stats.gstd` (geometric standard deviation) were added. The `scipy.stats.combine_pvalues` method now supports ``pearson``, ``tippett`` and ``mudholkar_george`` pvalue combination methods. * The `scipy.stats.ortho_group` and `scipy.stats.special_ortho_group` ``rvs(dim)`` functions' algorithms were updated from a ``O(dim^4)`` implementation to a ``O(dim^3)`` which gives large speed improvements for ``dim>100``. * A rewrite of `scipy.stats.pearsonr` to use a more robust algorithm, provide meaningful exceptions and warnings on potentially pathological input, and fix at least five separate reported issues in the original implementation. * Improved the precision of ``hypergeom.logcdf`` and ``hypergeom.logsf``. * Added exact computation for Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) two-sample test, replacing the previously approximate computation for the two-sided test `stats.ks_2samp`. Also added a one-sided, two-sample KS test, and a keyword ``alternative`` to `stats.ks_2samp`. + Backwards incompatible changes > `scipy.interpolate` changes * Functions from ``scipy.interpolate`` (``spleval``, ``spline``, ``splmake``, and ``spltopp``) and functions from ``scipy.misc`` (``bytescale``, ``fromimage``, ``imfilter``, ``imread``, ``imresize``, ``imrotate``, ``imsave``, ``imshow``, ``toimage``) have been removed. The former set has been deprecated since v0.19.0 and the latter has been deprecated since v1.0.0. Similarly, aliases from ``scipy.misc`` (``comb``, ``factorial``, ``factorial2``, ``factorialk``, ``logsumexp``, ``pade``, ``info``, ``source``, ``who``) which have been deprecated since v1.0.0 are removed. `SciPy documentation for v1.1.0 <>`__ can be used to track the new import locations for the relocated functions. > `scipy.linalg` changes * For ``pinv``, ``pinv2``, and ``pinvh``, the default cutoff values are changed for consistency (see the docs for the actual values). > `scipy.optimize` changes * The default method for ``linprog`` is now ``'interior-point'``. The method's robustness and speed come at a cost: solutions may not be accurate to machine precision or correspond with a vertex of the polytope defined by the constraints. To revert to the original simplex method, include the argument ``method='simplex'``. > `scipy.stats` changes * Previously, ``ks_2samp(data1, data2)`` would run a two-sided test and return the approximated p-value. The new signature, ``ks_2samp(data1, data2, alternative="two-sided", method="auto")``, still runs the two-sided test by default but returns the exact p-value for small samples and the approximated value for large samples. ``method="asymp"`` would be equivalent to the old version but ``auto`` is the better choice. + Other changes * Our tutorial has been expanded with a new section on global optimizers * There has been a rework of the ``stats.distributions`` tutorials. * `scipy.optimize` now correctly sets the convergence flag of the result to ``CONVERR``, a convergence error, for bounded scalar-function root-finders if the maximum iterations has been exceeded, ``disp`` is false, and ``full_output`` is true. * `scipy.optimize.curve_fit` no longer fails if ``xdata`` and ``ydata`` dtypes differ; they are both now automatically cast to ``float64``. * `scipy.ndimage` functions including ``binary_erosion``, ``binary_closing``, and ``binary_dilation`` now require an integer value for the number of iterations, which alleviates a number of reported issues. * Fixed normal approximation in case ``zero_method == "pratt"`` in `scipy.stats.wilcoxon`. * Fixes for incorrect probabilities, broadcasting issues and thread-safety related to stats distributions setting member variables inside ``_argcheck()``. * `scipy.optimize.newton` now correctly raises a ``RuntimeError``, when default arguments are used, in the case that a derivative of value zero is obtained, which is a special case of failing to converge. * A draft toolchain roadmap is now available, laying out a compatibility plan including Python versions, C standards, and NumPy versions. - Python 2 is no longer supported
request 690624
Matej Cepl (mcepl)
(revision 19)
baserev update by copy to link target
Matej Cepl (mcepl)
(revision 18)
Update changes
Displaying revisions 81 - 100 of 117