Revisions of dbeaver

Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 76)
- Update to 21.2.5
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 75)
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 74)
- Update to 21.2.4
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 73)
- Update to 21.2.3
  * SQL editor:
    - Schema detection for auto-complete was fixed
    - Intelli-sense proposals detection was fixed for queries with variables 
  * Data editor:
    - Dark theme support was improved
    - Booleans editor rendering was fixed 
  * Data transfer:
    - Data export now respects columns order and visibility
    - Exported files are highlighted in OS file explorer
    - XML export/import support between Oracle and PostgreSQL was added
    - CSV parser was fixed (unexpected input file read termination)
    - CSV export format: column header format configuration was added
    - CSV export: quotation of NULL values was fixed
    - Import from XML: column mapping was improved
    - Additional variables were introduced for target file name pattern
    - Redundant table name quotation was fixed
    - Output files split option was fixed (problem with extra empty file)
    - XLSX format: column values are now trimmed to 32kb 
  * Navigator:
    - Create new connection from JDBC URL command was added
    - Database metadata refresh was fixed 
  * ERD:
    - Palette icons were updated
    - Dark theme support was improved 
  * CSV driver: aggregated functions support was fixed
  * Exasol: geometry data types support was fixed
  * ODBC driver: app crash during database connection was fixed for several drivers
  * PostgreSQL:
    - Composite data types support was improved
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 72)
- Update to 21.2.2
  * DBeaver for MacOS X for M1/Silicon/ARM was released
  * SQL editor:
    - Client-side command @include was fixed
    - Bug with hanging SQL parser on long queries was fixed
    - Auto-completion was fixed for a number of cases
    - Schema selector in SQL consoles was fixed
    - Statement text extraction was fixed in "block selection" mode
  * Data editor:
    - Expression parser was fixed in grouping panel
  * Navigator: database metadata refresh speed was significantly increased
  * Generic drivers: problem with wrong table schema recognition was fixed
  * Exasol: extra keywords were added to SQL dialect
  * HANA:
    - Begin/end blocks parser was fixed
    - Alter table syntax was fixed
  * Hive: backslash escape support was added
  * Netezza:
    - Table editor for non-default database was fixed (problem with wrong schema recognition was resolved)
    - Import/export to/from non-default database support was added
  * PostgreSQL:
    - Composite value editor was improved (for composite data types)
    - Version 13 support was improved (rare problem with data types metadata read was fixed)
  * Redshift:
    - Driver 2.x support was fixed (proper data types handle was added)
    - Table truncate command was fixed
  * Sybase: "Encrypt password" option was added to the connection page
  * Teradata: default schema detection was fixed
  * Windows installer: default install location was changed to current user
  * UI rendering for HighDPI monitors was fixed
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 71)
- Update to 21.2.1
  * Data viewer:
    - Boolean value render configuration was redesigned
    - Special format for "time/timestamp with timezone" types was added
    - Advanced paste: configuration dialog was added
    - Radix transformer was fixed
    - Numeric transformer was added
    - Geometry data type editor was fixed (Exasol, Oracle)
    - Value panel now saves last used content viewer settings 
  * Data transfer:
    - Output settings configurator was fixed
    - External process execute was fixed (backslash escape)
    - Import from XLSX: column mapping was fixed
    - Database dump configuration page was fixed (Mysql, PostgreSQL)
    - Data load performance was improved (thanks to @deepaksenthilkumar) 
  * SSH tunnel: jump server configurator was fixed (port number)
  * Windows shortcuts (lnk) resolution was added
  * ERD: columns sort support was added
  * Confirmation dialog UI was redesigned
  * Metadata search:
    - Search in object comments configurator was fixed
    - Search page was fixed for cross-database search PostgreSQL 
  * Database session manager refresh was fixed
  * DB2: columns, procedures and functions search support was added
  * Firebird: calculated fields support was added
  * Greenplum: table DDL was fixed (unique keys)
  * H2: procedure aliases support was added
  * PostgreSQL:
    - Composite data type support was fixed
    - UDF parameters support was fixed
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 70)
- Update to 21.2.0
  * Data transfer:
    - Value binding mode switcher was added (affects performance)
    - Automatic columns mapping was fixed
    - Import from files/relational tables into document oriented databases was fixed
    - Column length detection was improved
  * SSH tunnel: jump server support was added
  * Tasks management view: task folders were added
  * Navigator: show tables from different schemas in a single list (optional)
  * Connection driver settings: problem with non-editable properties was fixed
  * Data editor:
    - Toolbar commands enablement handler was fixed
    - Detached text/binary editor was fixed
    - Row coloring: LIKE and REGEX filter value editor was fixed
  * SQL editor:
    - Extraction of queries from source code on paste: problem with line feeds was fixed
    - Multibyte unicode numbers handler was improved (app hang fixed)
    - Main windows title now shows proper information about the current editor
  * Greenplum: stored procedures auto-completion and navigation was fixed
  * PostgreSQL:
    - Multi-column foreign keys navigation was fixed
    - Auto-completion for quoted identifiers was improved
    - Active schema detection was fixed
    - Floating point numbers formatting was fixed
  * Redshift:
    - Data transfer performance was significantly increased (up to x10000)
    - Tables and procedures DDL was improved (security definer was added)
    - Stored procedures search and auto-completion was fixed
    - Timestamp value editor was fixed (in native date formatting mode)
  * Snowflake: driver configuration was fixed (JNA dependencies)
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 69)
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 68)
- Update to 21.1.5
  * ERD editor:
    - Properties panel was added for diagram elements
    - Diagram drag tool was added
    - Entity search UI was improved
    - Diagram refresh now asks confirmation
    - Table column navigation was fixed
    - GraphML export was improved (notes, styles)
    - Arrange diagram now respect grid alignment
    - Export ERD in XML (.erd) format was added
    - Cross-project entity drag-n-drop was restricted 
  * Data editor:
    - Row insert with default values was improved
    - Data filter popup now visualizes loading process
    - Pin column now works for multiple selected columns
    - Filters dialog now supports column pin/unpin
    - Auto-complete in grouping panel was fixed
    - Plaintext record mode switch was fixed
    - Excel import was fixed (NULL cells support was added) 
  * SQL editor: action buttons tooltips were fixed (keyboard shortcuts)
  * SQL Server: user management was added
  * Oracle: View triggers read was fixed
  * PostgreSQL:
    - Additional PostGIS data type support was added
    - Connection user role handle was fixed 
  * Procedure body read now re-established connection on demand
  * Shell commands now support quoted parameters (Linux, MacOS)
  * Debian/RPM package installers now use different directories for community and commercial versions
  * Simple schema compare wizard UI was fixed
  * SQL queries which contains passwords were removed from logs
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 67)
- Update to 21.1.4
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 66)
- Update to 21.1.3
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 65)
- Update to 21.1.1
  * Navigator:
    - Quick search now supports multiple object names
    - Entity editor preferences for active tab configuration were improved
    - Object rename dialog was fixed
    - Metadata refresh UI was fixed 
  * Data editor:
    - Row coloring now supports LIKE and other operators
    - Read-only columns mark was redesigned
    - Confirmation dialog was added for column filters
    - References panel UI was fixed (rows highlighting)
    - Spatial data viewer now remembers selected SRID for particular columns 
  * Data export: 
    - special characters escape was fixed in HTML and JSON formats
  * SQL editor:
    - Problem with active schema reset after connection invalidate was fixed
    - Problem with focus lost on query execution was fixed
    - Auto-completion for quoted identifiers was fixed
    - Embedded SQL editors performance was greatly improved
    - Problem with @set command was fixed
    - Problem with Find/Replace window and NullPointerException was fixed
    - Several problems with hanging UI after complicated SQL execute were fixed 
  * Greenplum:
    - materialized views DDL was fixed
  * MySQL:
    - foreign key edit support was added
  * Oracle:
    Table DDL was fixed (missing semicolons)
    Timestamp columns editor was fixed
    Function-based indexes column read was fixed (duplicated rows removed)
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 64)
- Update to 21.1.0
  - Connection recovery was improved. SSH tunnel infinite reopening cycle was fixed
  - Data transfer:
    - Insert/replace method configuration was fixed
    - Cross-database column data type mapping was improved 
  - Project settings: corrupted folders configuration fix was added
  - Legacy status icons were updated
  - Application launch time was reduced
  - SQL Editor:
    - Problem with results tab collapse was fixed
    - Dummy NullPointerException and StackOverflowError errors were fixed 
  - Data editor: LOB viewer shows error dialog on data load errors now
  - CLI: reuseWorkspace parameter handler was fixed
  - SQL Server:
    - Extended properties editor was added
    - New row insert for tables with calculated columns was fixed 
  - Oracle: synonyms search is now configurable
  - PostgreSQL:
    - User password change feature was added
    - Domain arrays support was fixed
    - Role DDL now contains permissions information
    - Sequences DDL was fixed
    - VARBIT data type support was fixed
    - Default database switch was fixed 
  - MySQL: user rename feature was added
  - Exasol: schema refresh was fixed
  - Informix:
    - Table statistics feature was added
    - Function parameters read was fixed 
  - Snowflake: metadata read was fixed for case-sensitive schema names
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 63)
- Update to 21.0.4
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 62)
- Update to 21.0.3
  - Dark theme support was improved (Windows 10 and GTk)
  - Data viewer:
    - Copy As: format configuration editor was added
    - Extra configuration for filter dialog (performance)
    - Sort by column as fixed (for small fetch sizes)
    - Case-insensitive filters support was added
    - Plaintext view now support top/bottom dividers
    - Data editor was fixed (when column name conflicts with alias name)
    - Duplicate row(s) command was fixed for multiple selected rows
    - Edit sub-menu was returned to the context menu
    - Columns auto-size configuration was added
    - Dictionary viewer was fixed (for read-only connections)
    - Current/selected row highlighting support was added (configurable)
  - Metadata search now supports search in comments
  - GIS/Spatial:
    - Map position preserve after tiles change
    - Support of geometries with Z and M coordinates was added
    - Postgis: DDL for 3D geometry columns was fixed
    - Presto + MySQL geometry type support was added
    - BigQuery now supports spatial data viewer
    - Binary geo json support was improved
    - Geometry export was fixed (SRID parameter)
    - Tiles definition editor was fixed (multi-line definitions + formatting)
  - SQL editor:
    - Auto-completion for objects names with spaces inside was fixed
    - Database objects hyperlinks rendering was fixed
  - SQL Server: MFA (multi-factor authentication) support was added
  - PostgreSQL: array data types read was fixed
  - Oracle: indexes were added to table DDL
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 61)
- Update to 21.0.2
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 60)
- Update to 7.3.5
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 59)
- Update to 7.3.4
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 58)
- Update to 7.3.1
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 57)
- Update to 7.3.0
  * A lot of improvements for MacOS:
    - Problem with toggle checkboxes was fixed
    - Problems with inline value editors were fixed
    - Problem with connection editor open on single click was fixed
    - Problem with metadata viewer in BigSur was fixed 
  * SQL editor:
    - Complex SQL queries parser was improved
    - Query folding now respects active SQL dialect
    - Problem with focus loss after query execute was fixed 
  * Data transfer:
    - Imports from CSV/XLS: date columns support was added
    - Export in SQL INSERT format: support of various INSERT/REPLACE/UPSERT dialects was added
    - Problem with active schema switch during task execute was fixed
    - Export from query: task UI configuration was fixed (active schema select) 
  * ERD: table copy-paste was fixed
  * Project delete now requires confirmation of project files delete
  * Command line: connection credentials now can be passed along with connection name/id
  * SSH: private key format conversion was improved (Linux)
  * SQL INSERT query generator now skips auto-generated columns
  * PostgreSQL:
    - Table DDL was fixed (serial columns)
    - Role members/permissions viewer was fixed
    - Permission editor now supports sequences and materialized views
    - Bug with partition list read was fixed 
  * SQLite: table column delete feature was added
  * Teradata: active schema selector was added
  * Firebird: problem with missing views was fixed. View source editor was fixed
  * Exasol: table index create UI was fixed
  * SQL Server: index create UI was improved (index type selector)
Displaying revisions 61 - 80 of 136
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