Revisions of python-Sphinx

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 838296 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 68)
- add sphinx-pygments-compat.patch (fix tests with newer pygments)
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 830124 from Factory Maintainer's avatar Factory Maintainer (factory-maintainer) (revision 67)
Automatic submission by obs-autosubmit
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 821465 from Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) (revision 66)
- In the new multiversion world, python*.inv is in python3.8
  directory not python3.

- update to version 3.1.2:
  * Incompatible changes
    + #7650: autodoc: the signature of base function will be shown for
       decorated functions, not a signature of decorator
  * Bugs fixed
    + #7844: autodoc: Failed to detect module when relative module
       name given
    + #7856: autodoc: AttributeError is raised when non-class object
       is given to the autoclass directive
    + #7850: autodoc: KeyError is raised for invalid mark up when
       autodoc_typehints is 'description'
    + #7812: autodoc: crashed if the target name matches to both an
       attribute and module that are same name
    + #7650: autodoc: function signature becomes "(*args, **kwargs)"
       if the function is decorated by generic decorator
    + #7812: autosummary: generates broken stub files if the target
       code contains an attribute and module that are same name
    + #7806: viewcode: Failed to resolve viewcode references on 3rd
       party builders
    + #7838: html theme: List items have extra vertical space
    + #7878: html theme: Undesired interaction between "overflow" and
- changes from version 3.1.1:
  * Incompatible changes
    + #7808: napoleon: a type for attribute are represented as typed
  * Features added
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 811095 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 65)
- update to version 3.0.4:
  * Bugs fixed
    + #7567: autodoc: parametrized types are shown twice for generic
    + #7637: autodoc: system defined TypeVars are shown in Python 3.9
    + #7611: md5 fails when OpenSSL FIPS is enabled
    + #7626: release package does not contain "CODE_OF_CONDUCT"

- Add python3.inv as a specific Source.
- update to version 3.0.3
  * Features added
    * C, parse array declarators with static, qualifiers, and VLA specification.
  * Bugs fixed
    * #7516: autodoc: crashes if target object raises an error on accessing
      its attributes
- update to version 3.0.2
  * Features added
    * C, parse attributes and add :confval:`c_id_attributes`
      and :confval:`c_paren_attributes` to support user-defined attributes.
  * Bugs fixed
    * #7461: py domain: fails with IndexError for empty tuple in type annotation
    * #7510: py domain: keyword-only arguments are documented as having a default of
    * #7418: std domain: :rst:role:`term` role could not match case-insensitively
    * #7461: autodoc: empty tuple in type annotation is not shown correctly
    * #7479: autodoc: Sphinx builds has been slower since 3.0.0 on mocking
    * C++, fix spacing issue in east-const declarations.
    * #7414: LaTeX: Xindy language options were incorrect
    * sphinx crashes with ImportError on python3.5.1
- update to 3.0.1
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 791929 from Steve Kowalik's avatar Steve Kowalik (StevenK) (revision 64)
- Revert to 2.3.1 due to severely increased memory usage when building
  kernel documentation. bsc#1166965
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 744660 from Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) (revision 59)
- Update to 2.2.1:
  * #6641: LaTeX: Undefined control sequence \sphinxmaketitle
  * #6710: LaTeX not well configured for Greek language as main language
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 730123 from Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) (revision 58)
- Update 2.2.0:
  * apidoc: template files are renamed to ``.rst_t``
  * html: Field lists will be styled by grid layout
  * #5124: graphviz: ``:graphviz_dot:`` option is renamed to ``:layout:``
  * #1464: html: emit a warning if :confval:`html_static_path` and
    :confval:`html_extra_path` directories are inside output directory
  * #6514: html: Add a label to search input for accessability purposes
  * #5602: apidoc: Add ``--templatedir`` option
  * #6475: Add ``override`` argument to ``app.add_autodocumenter()``
  * #6310: imgmath: let :confval:`imgmath_use_preview` work also with the SVG
    format for images rendering inline math
  * #6533: LaTeX: refactor visit_enumerated_list() to use ``\sphinxsetlistlabels``
  * #6628: quickstart: Use ```` for default setting of
  * #6419: sphinx-build: give reasons why rebuilded
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 713076 from Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) (revision 56)
- Update to 2.1.2:
  * #6497: custom lexers fails highlighting when syntax error
  * #6478, #6488: info field lists are incorrectly recognized
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 709241 from Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) (revision 55)
- Update to 2.1.1:
  * #6442: LaTeX: admonitions of note type can get separated from immediately preceding section title by pagebreak
  * #6448: autodoc: crashed when autodocumenting classes with __slots__ = None
  * #6452: autosummary: crashed when generating document of properties

- Update to 2.1:
  * Many major updates in the package
  * Supports only python 3.5+
- Remove obsolete conditionals wrt 3.5+ only support
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 693013 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 54)
- don't provide sphinx from test subpackage, it is for testing

- fix tests to include latex/extmath tests
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 657880 from Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) (revision 52)
Submit the fixed rev to TW, since the maintainer seems to be sleeping/afk; not blocking staging longer than needed
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 612216 from Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) (revision 50)
- update to 1.7.4
- ver long list of changes - please check for details

- update to 1.7.4
- very long list of changes - please see
Displaying revisions 41 - 60 of 108
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