
Edit Package planets

Planets is a simple interactive program for playing with simulations of planetary systems. The user interface is aimed at being simple enough that a fairly young kid can get some joy out of it. But it's probably as much if not more fun for adults.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
planets-0.1.13-desktop_file.patch 0000000628 628 Bytes
planets-0.1.13.tar.bz2 0000047233 46.1 KB
planets.changes 0000001218 1.19 KB
planets.spec 0000002643 2.58 KB
Source MD5 is b6df8aadbdc6c7ce910008c0c2dd0ad1 (latest revision is 8)
Comments 1

Markus S's avatar

Requires to be accepted and forwarded to Factory before working again.

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