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Cross-platform, open-source make system

Edit Package cmake

CMake is a cross-platform, open-source build system

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
README.SUSE 0000000715 715 Bytes
_constraints 0000000110 110 Bytes
_multibuild 0000000051 51 Bytes
cmake-3.30.0-SHA-256.txt 0000001646 1.61 KB
cmake-3.30.0-SHA-256.txt.asc 0000000833 833 Bytes
cmake-3.30.0.tar.gz 0011500060 11 MB
cmake-fix-ruby-test.patch 0000000630 630 Bytes
cmake-fix-test-without-git.patch 0000001469 1.43 KB
cmake-zerojvm.patch 0000000342 342 Bytes
cmake.attr 0000000126 126 Bytes
cmake.changes 0000198772 194 KB
cmake.keyring 0000023055 22.5 KB
cmake.macros 0000003588 3.5 KB
cmake.prov 0000003249 3.17 KB
cmake.spec 0000009155 8.94 KB
feature-suse-python-interp-search-order.patch 0000000779 779 Bytes
Source MD5 is 8976184b0f69a38c410b301aa8270277 (latest revision is 12)
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