Files could not be expanded: service error: /usr/lib/obs/service/source_validators/60-spec-filelist: line 12: /dev/fd/62: No such file or directory

Read Record-Oriented Files

Edit Package perl-Text-RecordParser

This module is for reading record-oriented data in a delimited text file. The most common example have records separated by newlines and fields separated by commas or tabs, but this module aims to provide a consistent interface for handling sequential records in a file however they may be delimited. Typically this data lists the fields in the first line of the file, in which case you should call 'bind_header' to bind the field name (or not, and it will be called implicitly). If the first line contains data, you can still bind your own field names via 'bind_fields'. Either way, you can then use many methods to get at the data as arrays or hashes.

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Sources could not be expanded: service error: /usr/lib/obs/service/source_validators/60-spec-filelist: line 12: /dev/fd/62: No such file or directory

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