Script tag with additional attributes for django.formsMedia

Edit Package python-django-js-asset

Insert a script tag via forms.Media containing additional
attributes (such as id and data-* for CSP-compatible data

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
2.2.tar.gz 0000007890 7.71 KB
python-django-js-asset.changes 0000001908 1.86 KB
python-django-js-asset.spec 0000001906 1.86 KB
Source MD5 is 99fae6bea63c46a574d8c3a659fd1a12 (latest revision is 1)
Comments 2

Marcus Weseloh's avatar

Can you please add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons} to the spec file, so that this package builds for Python 3.11?

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