Vi IMproved

Edit Package vim

Vim (Vi IMproved) is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor vi. Almost every possible command can be performed using only ASCII characters. Only the 'Q' command is missing (you do not need it). Many new features have been added: multilevel undo, command line history, file name completion, block operations, and editing of binary data.

Vi is available for the AMIGA, MS-DOS, Windows NT, and various versions of UNIX.

For SUSE Linux, Vim is used as /usr/bin/vi.

Package vim contains the normal version of vim. To get the full runtime environment install additionally vim-data.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
README.Japanese-XIM 0000000788 788 Bytes
apparmor.vim 0000025882 25.3 KB
disable-unreliable-tests.patch 0000001890 1.85 KB
gvim.desktop 0000000444 444 Bytes
gvim.svg 0000011400 11.1 KB
gvim_24.png 0000001687 1.65 KB
gvim_32.png 0000002433 2.38 KB
gvim_48.png 0000003907 3.82 KB
gvim_64.png 0000006070 5.93 KB
gvim_96.png 0000009798 9.57 KB
ignore-flaky-test-failure.patch 0000000774 774 Bytes
spec.skeleton 0000001125 1.1 KB
spec.vim 0000001249 1.22 KB
suse.gvimrc 0000006048 5.91 KB
suse.vimrc 0000008623 8.42 KB
vim-7.3-filetype_changes.patch 0000002171 2.12 KB
vim-7.3-filetype_ftl.patch 0000001973 1.93 KB
vim-7.3-filetype_spec.patch 0000002521 2.46 KB
vim-7.3-gvimrc_fontset.patch 0000001091 1.07 KB
vim-7.3-help_tags.patch 0000000521 521 Bytes
vim-7.3-mktemp_tutor.patch 0000000554 554 Bytes
vim-7.3-name_vimrc.patch 0000000526 526 Bytes
vim-7.3-sh_is_bash.patch 0000000538 538 Bytes
vim-7.3-use_awk.patch 0000000309 309 Bytes
vim-7.4-disable_lang_no.patch 0000000525 525 Bytes
vim-7.4-filetype_apparmor.patch 0000000602 602 Bytes
vim-7.4-filetype_mine.patch 0000000738 738 Bytes
vim-7.4-highlight_fstab.patch 0000000820 820 Bytes
vim-7.4-rpmlintrc 0000000043 43 Bytes
vim-8.0.1568-defaults.patch 0000000804 804 Bytes
vim-8.1.0297-dump3.patch 0000001040 1.02 KB
vim-8.2.2411-globalvimrc.patch 0000000631 631 Bytes
vim-9.0.1488.tar.gz 0017010102 16.2 MB 0000000567 567 Bytes
vim.changes 0000749170 732 KB
vim.spec 0000026570 25.9 KB
vim132 0000000273 273 Bytes
vim73-no-static-libpython.patch 0000000630 630 Bytes
vimrc_example1 0000005183 5.06 KB
vimrc_example2 0000056408 55.1 KB
vitmp.1 0000001096 1.07 KB
vitmp.c 0000000823 823 Bytes
Revision 808 (latest revision is 866)
Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) committed (revision 808)
- Updated to version 9.0.1488, fixes the following problems
  * Ending Insert mode when accessing a hidden prompt buffer.
  * Crash when passing NULL to setcmdline(). (Andreas Louv)
  * openSUSE: configure doesn't find the Motif library. (Tony Mechelynck)
  * Unnecessary checks for the "skip" flag when skipping.
  * Condition is always true.
  * Diff test fails on MacOS 13.
  * Test for prompt buffer is flaky.
  * Unnecessary redrawing when 'showcmdloc' is not "last".
  * Code using EVAL_CONSTANT is dead, it is never set.
  * Typos in source code and tests.
  * Code indenting is confused by macros.
  * C++ 20 modules are not recognized.
  * Shortmess test depends on order of test execution.
  * No regression test for what patch 9.0.1333 fixes.
  * Buffer overflow when expanding long file name.
  * Typo in name of type.
  * Insufficient testing for getcmdcompltype().
  * Ruler not drawn correctly when using 'rulerformat'.
  * Recursively calling :defer function if it does :qa.
  * Virtual text truncation only works with Unicode 'encoding'.
  * Strace filetype detection is expensive.
  * Haiku build fails.
  * Cannot use an object member name as a method argument.
  * Jenkinsfiles are not recognized as groovy.
  * Recursively calling :defer function if it does :qa in a compiled function.
  * Deferred functions not called from autocommands.
  * Deferred functions invoked in unexpected order when using :qa and
  * Warnings for function declarations.
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