
Edit Package ProtonPlus

ProtonPlus is a simple Proton version manager that make it easy to install and manage Proton versions. It works with Steam, Lutris, Heroic Games Launcher and Bottles. It was made in Vala with GTK4 and Libadwaita using GNOME Builder.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
ProtonPlus-0.4.20.obscpio 0000591372 578 KB
ProtonPlus.changes 0000004085 3.99 KB
ProtonPlus.obsinfo 0000000100 100 Bytes
ProtonPlus.spec 0000002012 1.96 KB
_service 0000000762 762 Bytes
Source MD5 is c83c9e4e3b9eda93de9f571ab58c3c86 (latest revision is 22)
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