
Edit Package powerpc-utils

The powerpc-utils package provides a set of tools and utilities for maintaining and enabling certain features of Linux on Power

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
0001-HNV-fixes-for-qrydev-and-remove-lsdevinfo.patch 0000003165 3.09 KB
0002-Disable-vnic-as-backup-vdevice-for-migratable-SR_IOV.patch 0000005708 5.57 KB
0003-Clean-up-dead-network-config-interface-after-inactiv.patch 0000003669 3.58 KB
fix_kexec_service_name_for_suse.patch 0000001354 1.32 KB
libvirt-service-dep.patch 0000000417 417 Bytes
nvsetenv 0000000261 261 Bytes
ofpathname_powernv.patch 0000000470 470 Bytes
powerpc-utils-1.3.8.tar.gz 0000355931 348 KB
powerpc-utils-lsprop.patch 0000000378 378 Bytes
powerpc-utils-sys_ident-Skip-length-field-from-search.patch 0000001040 1.02 KB
powerpc-utils.changes 0000055353 54.1 KB
powerpc-utils.spec 0000003872 3.78 KB
Source MD5 is 6b85162215b5ef7bb8bc195a77ba61b1 (latest revision is 218)
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