
Edit Package rsync

NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
logrotate.rsync 0000000141 141 Bytes
master.patch 0000672411 657 KB
rsync-3.2.6.tar.gz 0001138593 1.09 MB
rsync-3.2.6.tar.gz.asc 0000000195 195 Bytes
rsync-no-libattr.patch 0000000511 511 Bytes
rsync-patches-3.2.6.tar.gz 0000148382 145 KB
rsync-patches-3.2.6.tar.gz.asc 0000000195 195 Bytes
rsync.changes 0000045355 44.3 KB
rsync.keyring 0000001700 1.66 KB
rsync.spec 0000005736 5.6 KB
rsyncd.conf 0000000338 338 Bytes
rsyncd.rc 0000003778 3.69 KB
rsyncd.secrets 0000000014 14 Bytes
rsyncd.service 0000000568 568 Bytes
rsyncd.socket 0000000138 138 Bytes
rsyncd@.service 0000000252 252 Bytes
Latest Revision
Bernhard Wiedemann's avatar Bernhard Wiedemann (bmwiedemann) committed (revision 3)
- Use bundled SLP patch now that upstream fixed it:
  * Remove rsync-3.2.5-slp.patch

- update to 3.2.6:
  * More path-cleaning improvements in the file-list validation code to avoid
    rejecting of valid args.
  * A file-list validation fix for a --files-from file that ends without a
    line-terminating character.
  * Added a safety check that prevents the sender from removing destination
    files when a local copy using --remove-source-files has some files that are
    shared between the sending & receiving hierarchies, including the case
    where the source dir & destination dir are identical.
  * Fixed a bug in the internal MD4 checksum code that could cause the digest
    to be sporadically incorrect (the openssl version was/is fine).
  * A minor tweak to rrsync added "copy-devices" to the list of known args, but
    left it disabled by default.

- Build SLE version with g++-11
  to work around nondeterministic g++-7 (boo#1193895)

- Migration to /usr/etc: Saving user changed configuration files
  in /etc and restoring them while an RPM update. 

- Add upstream patch rsync-3.2.5-slp.patch, as the one included in
  the released tarball doesn't fully apply.
- Drop patch rsync-CVE-2022-29154.patch, already included upstream.
- Update to 3.2.5
    - Added some file-list safety checking that helps to ensure that a rogue
      sending rsync can't add unrequested top-level names and/or include recursive
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