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XML::LibXSLT Perl Module

Edit Package perl-XML-LibXSLT

This module is a fast XSLT library, based on the GNOME libxslt engine
that you can find at

The performance is currently about twice that of XML::Sablotron (based
on XSLTMark tests converted to Perl). The libxslt processor is also
highly standard compliant, with practically all of XSLT 1.0 being
supported in version 0.9 of libxslt.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
XML-LibXSLT-2.003000.tar.gz 0000118829 116 KB
cpanspec.yml 0000000486 486 Bytes
perl-XML-LibXSLT.changes 0000015240 14.9 KB
perl-XML-LibXSLT.spec 0000001899 1.85 KB
Latest Revision
Bernhard Wiedemann's avatar Bernhard Wiedemann (bmwiedemann) committed (revision 2)
Set link revision to 6f23487e385008b7e5f1e78d99c2062d
Comments 0
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