Scientific Tools for Python
SciPy is open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering. The core library is NumPy which provides convenient and fast N-dimensional array manipulation. The SciPy library is built to work with NumPy arrays, and provides many user-friendly and efficient numerical routines such as routines for numerical integration and optimization. Together, they run on all popular operating systems, are quick to install, and are free of charge. NumPy and SciPy are easy to use, but powerful enough to be depended upon by some of the world's leading scientists and engineers.
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Filename | Size | Changed |
_link | 0000000147 147 Bytes | |
_multibuild | 0000000086 86 Bytes | |
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python-scipy-rpmlintrc | 0000000056 56 Bytes | |
python-scipy.changes | 0000050522 49.3 KB | |
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scipy-1.3.0.tar.gz | 0023620566 22.5 MB |
Revision 20 (latest revision is 117)
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
request 703998
Todd R (TheBlackCat)
(revision 20)
- Update to 1.3.0 + Highlights of this release * Three new ``stats`` functions, a rewrite of ``pearsonr``, and an exact computation of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test * A new Cython API for bounded scalar-function root-finders in `scipy.optimize` * Substantial ``CSR`` and ``CSC`` sparse matrix indexing performance improvements * Added support for interpolation of rotations with continuous angular rate and acceleration in ``RotationSpline`` + New features > `scipy.interpolate` improvements * A new class ``CubicHermiteSpline`` is introduced. It is a piecewise-cubic interpolator which matches observed values and first derivatives. Existing cubic interpolators ``CubicSpline``, ``PchipInterpolator`` and ``Akima1DInterpolator`` were made subclasses of ``CubicHermiteSpline``. > `` improvements * For the Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF) `` now supports relational attributes. * `` can now parse Matrix Market format files with empty lines. > `scipy.linalg` improvements * Added wrappers for ``?syconv`` routines, which convert a symmetric matrix given by a triangular matrix factorization into two matrices and vice versa. * `scipy.linalg.clarkson_woodruff_transform` now uses an algorithm that leverages sparsity. This may provide a 60-90 percent speedup for dense input matrices. Truly sparse input matrices should also benefit from the improved sketch algorithm, which now correctly runs in ``O(nnz(A))`` time. * Added new functions to calculate symmetric Fiedler matrices and Fiedler companion matrices, named `scipy.linalg.fiedler` and `scipy.linalg.fiedler_companion`, respectively. These may be used for root finding. > `scipy.ndimage` improvements * Gaussian filter performances may improve by an order of magnitude in some cases, thanks to removal of a dependence on ``np.polynomial``. This may impact `scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter` for example. > `scipy.optimize` improvements * The `scipy.optimize.brute` minimizer obtained a new keyword ``workers``, which can be used to parallelize computation. * A Cython API for bounded scalar-function root-finders in `scipy.optimize` is available in a new module `scipy.optimize.cython_optimize` via ``cimport``. This API may be used with ``nogil`` and ``prange`` to loop over an array of function arguments to solve for an array of roots more quickly than with pure Python. * ``'interior-point'`` is now the default method for ``linprog``, and ``'interior-point'`` now uses SuiteSparse for sparse problems when the required scikits (scikit-umfpack and scikit-sparse) are available. On benchmark problems (gh-10026), execution time reductions by factors of 2-3 were typical. Also, a new ``method='revised simplex'`` has been added. It is not as fast or robust as ``method='interior-point'``, but it is a faster, more robust, and equally accurate substitute for the legacy ``method='simplex'``. * ``differential_evolution`` can now use a ``Bounds`` class to specify the bounds for the optimizing argument of a function. * `scipy.optimize.dual_annealing` performance improvements related to vectorisation of some internal code. > `scipy.signal` improvements * Two additional methods of discretization are now supported by `scipy.signal.cont2discrete`: ``impulse`` and ``foh``. * `scipy.signal.firls` now uses faster solvers * `scipy.signal.detrend` now has a lower physical memory footprint in some cases, which may be leveraged using the new ``overwrite_data`` keyword argument * `scipy.signal.firwin` ``pass_zero`` argument now accepts new string arguments that allow specification of the desired filter type: ``'bandpass'``, ``'lowpass'``, ``'highpass'``, and ``'bandstop'`` * `scipy.signal.sosfilt` may have improved performance due to lower retention of the global interpreter lock (GIL) in algorithm > `scipy.sparse` improvements * A new keyword was added to ``csgraph.dijsktra`` that allows users to query the shortest path to ANY of the passed in indices, as opposed to the shortest path to EVERY passed index. * `scipy.sparse.linalg.lsmr` performance has been improved by roughly 10 percent on large problems * Improved performance and reduced physical memory footprint of the algorithm used by `scipy.sparse.linalg.lobpcg` * ``CSR`` and ``CSC`` sparse matrix fancy indexing performance has been improved substantially > `scipy.spatial` improvements * `scipy.spatial.ConvexHull` now has a ``good`` attribute that can be used alongsize the ``QGn`` Qhull options to determine which external facets of a convex hull are visible from an external query point. * `scipy.spatial.cKDTree.query_ball_point` has been modernized to use some newer Cython features, including GIL handling and exception translation. An issue with ``return_sorted=True`` and scalar queries was fixed, and a new mode named ``return_length`` was added. ``return_length`` only computes the length of the returned indices list instead of allocating the array every time. * `scipy.spatial.transform.RotationSpline` has been added to enable interpolation of rotations with continuous angular rates and acceleration > `scipy.stats` improvements * Added a new function to compute the Epps-Singleton test statistic, `scipy.stats.epps_singleton_2samp`, which can be applied to continuous and discrete distributions. * New functions `scipy.stats.median_absolute_deviation` and `scipy.stats.gstd` (geometric standard deviation) were added. The `scipy.stats.combine_pvalues` method now supports ``pearson``, ``tippett`` and ``mudholkar_george`` pvalue combination methods. * The `scipy.stats.ortho_group` and `scipy.stats.special_ortho_group` ``rvs(dim)`` functions' algorithms were updated from a ``O(dim^4)`` implementation to a ``O(dim^3)`` which gives large speed improvements for ``dim>100``. * A rewrite of `scipy.stats.pearsonr` to use a more robust algorithm, provide meaningful exceptions and warnings on potentially pathological input, and fix at least five separate reported issues in the original implementation. * Improved the precision of ``hypergeom.logcdf`` and ``hypergeom.logsf``. * Added exact computation for Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) two-sample test, replacing the previously approximate computation for the two-sided test `stats.ks_2samp`. Also added a one-sided, two-sample KS test, and a keyword ``alternative`` to `stats.ks_2samp`. + Backwards incompatible changes > `scipy.interpolate` changes * Functions from ``scipy.interpolate`` (``spleval``, ``spline``, ``splmake``, and ``spltopp``) and functions from ``scipy.misc`` (``bytescale``, ``fromimage``, ``imfilter``, ``imread``, ``imresize``, ``imrotate``, ``imsave``, ``imshow``, ``toimage``) have been removed. The former set has been deprecated since v0.19.0 and the latter has been deprecated since v1.0.0. Similarly, aliases from ``scipy.misc`` (``comb``, ``factorial``, ``factorial2``, ``factorialk``, ``logsumexp``, ``pade``, ``info``, ``source``, ``who``) which have been deprecated since v1.0.0 are removed. `SciPy documentation for v1.1.0 <>`__ can be used to track the new import locations for the relocated functions. > `scipy.linalg` changes * For ``pinv``, ``pinv2``, and ``pinvh``, the default cutoff values are changed for consistency (see the docs for the actual values). > `scipy.optimize` changes * The default method for ``linprog`` is now ``'interior-point'``. The method's robustness and speed come at a cost: solutions may not be accurate to machine precision or correspond with a vertex of the polytope defined by the constraints. To revert to the original simplex method, include the argument ``method='simplex'``. > `scipy.stats` changes * Previously, ``ks_2samp(data1, data2)`` would run a two-sided test and return the approximated p-value. The new signature, ``ks_2samp(data1, data2, alternative="two-sided", method="auto")``, still runs the two-sided test by default but returns the exact p-value for small samples and the approximated value for large samples. ``method="asymp"`` would be equivalent to the old version but ``auto`` is the better choice. + Other changes * Our tutorial has been expanded with a new section on global optimizers * There has been a rework of the ``stats.distributions`` tutorials. * `scipy.optimize` now correctly sets the convergence flag of the result to ``CONVERR``, a convergence error, for bounded scalar-function root-finders if the maximum iterations has been exceeded, ``disp`` is false, and ``full_output`` is true. * `scipy.optimize.curve_fit` no longer fails if ``xdata`` and ``ydata`` dtypes differ; they are both now automatically cast to ``float64``. * `scipy.ndimage` functions including ``binary_erosion``, ``binary_closing``, and ``binary_dilation`` now require an integer value for the number of iterations, which alleviates a number of reported issues. * Fixed normal approximation in case ``zero_method == "pratt"`` in `scipy.stats.wilcoxon`. * Fixes for incorrect probabilities, broadcasting issues and thread-safety related to stats distributions setting member variables inside ``_argcheck()``. * `scipy.optimize.newton` now correctly raises a ``RuntimeError``, when default arguments are used, in the case that a derivative of value zero is obtained, which is a special case of failing to converge. * A draft toolchain roadmap is now available, laying out a compatibility plan including Python versions, C standards, and NumPy versions. - Python 2 is no longer supported
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