Salt is a distributed remote execution system used to execute commands and
query data. It was developed in order to bring the best solutions found in
the world of remote execution together and make them better, faster and more
malleable. Salt accomplishes this via its ability to handle larger loads of
information, and not just dozens, but hundreds or even thousands of individual
servers, handle them quickly and through a simple and manageable interface.
Embed a build result badge whereever you need it. Select from
the options below and copy the result over to your README or on
your website, and enjoy it refresh automatically whenever the
build result changes.
- add group()/user() provides for RPM 4.19
- Update to Salt version 3000
* fix-zypper-pkg.list_pkgs-expectation-and-dpkg-mockin.patch
* activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch
Needed for salt-ssh ProxyCommand to work properly.
execution module
* 0051-Allows-to-set-timeout-and-gather_job_timeout-via-kwa.patch
- Prevents 'OSError' exception in case certain job cache path
* 0039-Re-introducing-KillMode-process-for-salt-minion-syst.patch
* 0072-Unit-test-fixes-for-2015.8.7.patch
* 0065-fix-beacon-list-to-include-all-beacons-being-process.patch
- Fix broken inspector due to accidentally
* 0062-Add-realpath-to-lvm.pvdisplay-and-use-it-in-vg_prese.patch
- Changed Zypper's plugin. Added Unit test and related to that
- Bugfix: salt-key crashes if tries to generate keys
* 0041-Bugfix-salt-key-crashes-if-tries-to-generate-keys-to.patch
a future releases of SLES.
- package all directories in /var/cache/salt and /etc/salt and has changed the fun keyword argument to func.
+ In multimaster mode, a minion may become temporarily unresponsive if modules or pillars are refreshed at the
same time that one or more masters are down. This can be worked around by setting 'auth_timeout' and 'auth_tries'
+ Allow case-sensitive npm package names in the npm state. This may break behavior
for people expecting the state to lowercase their npm package names for them.
+ Deprecate the activate parameter for pip.install for both the module and the state.
If bin_env is given and points to a virtualenv, there is no need to activate that virtualenv
+ mountpoints
This release was a hotfix release for the regression listed above which was present in the 2014.1.6
- Packaging:
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