GPT partitioning and MBR repair software

Edit Package gptfdisk

Partitioning software for GPT disks and to repair MBR
disks. The gdisk and sgdisk utilities (in the gdisk
package) are GPT-enabled partitioning tools; the
fixparts utility (in the fixparts package) fixes some
problems with MBR disks that can be created by buggy
partitioning software.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
0001-Fix-failure-crash-of-sgdisk-when-compiled-with-lates.patch 0000001629 1.59 KB
gptfdisk-1.0.9.tar.gz 0000215065 210 KB
gptfdisk.changes 0000011388 11.1 KB
gptfdisk.spec 0000002504 2.45 KB
Source MD5 is 6f1aa80adb921392d9ea4f6f249d11c4 (latest revision is 1)
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