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Edit Package uwsgi

uWSGI is a fast, self-healing and developer/sysadmin-friendly application container server coded in pure C.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
README.openSUSE 0000001329 1.3 KB
django.ini.example 0000000205 205 Bytes 0000000099 99 Bytes
rails.yml.example 0000000173 173 Bytes
trac.ini.example 0000000148 148 Bytes
uwsgi-1.9.11-systemd_logger-old_systemd.patch 0000000276 276 Bytes
uwsgi-1.9.13-objc_gc-no-fobjc-gc.patch 0000000184 184 Bytes
uwsgi-1.9.17-plugin_build_path.patch 0000000494 494 Bytes
uwsgi-2.0.12-no-LD_RUN_PATH.patch 0000002763 2.7 KB
uwsgi-2.0.18-postgresql-config.patch 0000000470 470 Bytes
uwsgi-2.0.18-psgi-fix-duplicate-uperl.patch 0000000988 988 Bytes
uwsgi-2.0.18.tar.gz 0000801555 783 KB
uwsgi.changes 0000078928 77.1 KB
uwsgi.ini 0000000080 80 Bytes
uwsgi.service 0000000358 358 Bytes
uwsgi.spec 0000024258 23.7 KB
werkzeug.xml.example 0000000144 144 Bytes
Source MD5 is ad1aaa00d8e89e0883c9f0e98d90e0d8 (latest revision is 8)
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