Linux Deployment Tool, linuxdeployqt

Edit Package linuxdeployqt

This Linux Deployment Tool, linuxdeployqt, takes an application as input and makes it self-contained by copying in the resources that the application uses (like libraries, graphics, and plugins) into a bundle. The resulting bundle can be distributed as an AppDir or as an AppImage to users, or can be put into cross-distribution packages. It can be used as part of the build process to deploy applications written in C, C++, and other compiled languages with systems like CMake, qmake, and make. When used on Qt-based applications, it can bundle a specific minimal subset of Qt required to run the application.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000522 522 Bytes
_service:obs_scm:linuxdeployqt-3.1695475925.6fcaf74.obscpio 0000274443 268 KB
_service:obs_scm:linuxdeployqt.obsinfo 0000000117 117 Bytes
force_qt5_version.patch 0000001012 1012 Bytes
linuxdeployqt.changes 0000000540 540 Bytes
linuxdeployqt.spec 0000002090 2.04 KB
obs.patch 0000000446 446 Bytes
revert-workaround.patch 0000002337 2.28 KB
Source MD5 is 3cbeaee507a2daec3d939388d716606b (latest revision is 2)
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