
Edit Package libopenmpt
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Source Files
Filename Size Changed
baselibs.conf 0000000012 12 Bytes
libopenmpt-0.7.1+release.autotools.tar.gz 0001650178 1.57 MB
libopenmpt.changes 0000057075 55.7 KB
libopenmpt.spec 0000004162 4.06 KB
Revision 95 (latest revision is 113)
Mia Herkt's avatar Mia Herkt (mia) committed (revision 95)
- Update to 0.7.1
  * IT: Improved fingerprinting of early ModPlug Tracker versions.
  * XMF: Modules from Astroidea demos can now be read as well.
- Changes in 0.7.0:
  * [New] 667 files from Composer 667 are now supported.
  * [New] GTK and GT2 files from Gramouf Tracker are now supported.
  * [New] Can now read a variant of the DSMI AMF format called DMF,
    as found in various DOS games distributed by Webfoot (Tronic,
    H2O, PowBall, etc.).
  * [New] DSM files from Dynamic Studio are now supported.
  * [New] XMF files from the DOS game Imperium Galactica are now
  * [New] Can now read the hacked MOD format (DMF) from the game
    “Apocalypse Abyss”.
  * [New] libopenmpt: New APIs for getting the current tempo as a
    floating point value: openmpt::module::get_current_tempo2()
    (C++), and openmpt_module_get_current_tempo2() (C).
  * [New] C API: New stream callbacks for various platform
    extensions to the C stdio interface:
      in libopenmpt/libopenmpt_stream_callbacks_file_posix_lfs64.h
      for explicit off64_t on Posix systems,
      in libopenmpt/libopenmpt_stream_callbacks_file_posix.h
      for off_t on Posix systems,
      in libopenmpt/libopenmpt_stream_callbacks_file_msvcrt.h
      for 64bit file support on Windows systems with the Microsoft
      C runtime, and openmpt_stream_get_file_mingw_callbacks()
      in libopenmpt/libopenmpt_stream_callbacks_file_mingw.h
Comments 1

Dave Plater's avatar

libmodplug package submitted to Factory see sr#812206

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