Bluetooth Stack for Linux

Edit Package bluez

The Bluetooth stack for Linux.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
0001-Allow-using-obexd-without-systemd-in-the-user-sessio.patch 0000001907 1.86 KB
0001-HOGP-must-only-accept-data-from-bonded-devices.patch 0000001144 1.12 KB
0001-Out-of-bounds-heap-read-in-service_search_attr_req-f.patch 0000002409 2.35 KB
0001-core-Add-AlwaysPairable-to-main.conf.patch 0000004195 4.1 KB
0001-device-Fix-crashing-when-connecting-ATT-over-BR-EDR.patch 0000002125 2.08 KB
0001-obex-Use-GLib-helper-function-to-manipulate-paths.patch 0000001252 1.22 KB
0001-work-around-Logitech-diNovo-Edge-keyboard-firmware-i.patch 0000001158 1.13 KB
0002-HID-accepts-bonded-device-connections-only.patch 0000005258 5.13 KB
0002-agent-Make-the-first-agent-to-register-the-default.patch 0000001835 1.79 KB
0002-autopair-Don-t-handle-the-iCade.patch 0000001412 1.38 KB
0002-device-Fix-crash-when-connecting-ATT-with-BR-EDR-onl.patch 0000004891 4.78 KB
0004-agent-Assert-possible-infinite-loop.patch 0000000583 583 Bytes
baselibs.conf 0000000107 107 Bytes
bluetooth.modprobe 0000000128 128 Bytes
bluez-5.44.tar.xz 0001670320 1.59 MB
bluez.changes 0000108876 106 KB
bluez.spec 0000012953 12.6 KB
tools-Fix-build-after-y2038-changes-in-glibc.patch 0000001596 1.56 KB
Source MD5 is 60c5e2763e7c2cdf7c21f163251da483 (latest revision is 17)
Comments 2

ralph roth's avatar

Thanks Joey. Are there only the CentOS patches applied or also patches we use for our bluez?

Joey Lee's avatar

I have downloaded the CentOS 7 bluez-5.44 source rpm from centos repo: bluez-5.44-7.el7.src.rpm

Then I used the bluez-5.44 source code and patches in the above src.rpm. The bluez-5.44.tar.xz and patches are from CentOS 7. And buidling options are also follow CentOS 7.

I applied all patches from CentOS and only applied two SUSE patches for fixing building fail on 15-SP4. You can check bluez.spec.

It's just for testing.

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