Python SDK for Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Edit Package python-boto3

Boto3 is the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python, which allows Python developers to write software that makes use of services like Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2.

boto3 replaces the previous SDK known as boto and packaged as python-boto. New feature development only takes place in boto3.

For documentation consult the online documentation at

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
1.34.149.tar.gz 0000845064 825 KB
python-boto3.changes 0001048162 1020 KB
python-boto3.spec 0000002624 2.56 KB
Source MD5 is 9f01d722f9e528e667a9fb3633d2a76d (latest revision is 1)
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