The official GUI app for the Monero cryptocurrency

Edit Package monero-gui

The official Qt-based GUI wallet app for the privacy-focused Monero cryptocurrency

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
_constraints 0000000656 656 Bytes
_service 0000000617 617 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000460 460 Bytes
monero-9462-fix-boost-1.85.patch 0000033413 32.6 KB
monero-Do-not-override-system-miniupnpc.patch 0000001198 1.17 KB
monero-gui- 0106774030 102 MB
monero-gui.changes 0000028241 27.6 KB
monero-gui.obsinfo 0000000102 102 Bytes
monero-gui.spec 0000004540 4.43 KB
Source MD5 is 2cadf22cf5a3a1feb4362ab13b63f579 (latest revision is 2)
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