Prometheus exporter for machine metrics

Edit Package golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter

Prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metrics exposed by *NIX kernels, written in Go with pluggable metric collectors.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000783 783 Bytes
fix_arp_collector.patch 0000003571 3.49 KB
golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter.changes 0000022288 21.8 KB
golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter.spec 0000003211 3.14 KB
node_exporter-1.7.0.obscpio 0001987084 1.9 MB
node_exporter.obsinfo 0000000102 102 Bytes
prometheus-node_exporter.service 0000000418 418 Bytes
prometheus-node_exporter.sysconfig 0000000358 358 Bytes
vendor.tar.gz 0003688715 3.52 MB
Source MD5 is 8c68428ecd08dc3c9d8857d27b5fb9c4 (latest revision is 7)
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