
Edit Package autorandr

Auto-detect the connect display hardware and load the appropiate X11 setup using xrandr

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000537 537 Bytes
_service:recompress:tar_scm:autorandr- 0000043570 42.5 KB
_service:set_version:autorandr.dsc 0000000381 381 Bytes
_service:set_version:autorandr.spec 0000001467 1.43 KB
_service:set_version:debian.changelog 0000000321 321 Bytes
autorandr.dsc 0000000367 367 Bytes
autorandr.spec 0000001454 1.42 KB
debian.changelog 0000000308 308 Bytes
debian.compat 0000000001 1 Byte
debian.control 0000000695 695 Bytes
Source MD5 is 05a3f07e86f67fe12ed660bb06c3d8b3 (latest revision is 30)
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