Qsynth - Qt GUI Interface for FluidSynth

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Qsynth is a FluidSynth GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt framework using Qt Designer.

Eventually it may evolve into a softsynth management application allowing the user to control and manage a variety of command line softsynth but for the moment it wraps the excellent FluidSynth. FluidSynth is a command line software synthesiser based on the Soundfont specification.

Licence: GNU General Public License (GPL)

Sourceforge project page: https://sourceforge.net/projects/qsynth

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
PKGBUILD 0000000731 731 Bytes
_service 0000000051 51 Bytes
appimage.yml 0000001203 1.17 KB
debian.changelog 0000005658 5.53 KB
debian.compat 0000000003 3 Bytes
debian.control 0000001315 1.28 KB
debian.docs 0000000037 37 Bytes
debian.rules 0000000179 179 Bytes
qsynth-0.9.12.tar.gz 0000331668 324 KB
qsynth.dsc 0000000651 651 Bytes
qsynth.spec 0000008185 7.99 KB
Source MD5 is 201d91e17dbae4f444d11a95d31a5351 (latest revision is 18)
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