
Edit Package libopenmpt
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Source Files
Filename Size Changed
baselibs.conf 0000000012 12 Bytes
libopenmpt-0.7.8+release.autotools.tar.gz 0001664864 1.59 MB
libopenmpt.changes 0000063450 62 KB
libopenmpt.spec 0000004179 4.08 KB
Revision 106 (latest revision is 113)
Mia Herkt's avatar Mia Herkt (mia) committed (revision 106)
- Update to 0.7.8:
  * [Sec] Potential heap out-of-bounds read with malformed Dynamic
    Studio DSm files.
  * MED: Additional command pages can now be read.
  * MED: Echo DSP is now emulated.
  * AMS: Default channel panning was broken, using all-center
    panning instead of MOD-style panning.
  * STP: Correctly import volume slides where both nibbles are set.
  * MDL: Pitch slide depth was wrong since libopenmpt 0.6.0.
  * DTM: Fix pitch slide depth for samples with finetune.
  * DSm: Don’t import as Amiga module (and thus allow Amig
    a resampler to be enabled), as this PC format can easily
    exceed the Amiga frequency range.
  * DSm: Only the first 48 samples were ever read.
  * STM / STX: Don’t set channel panning.
    ScreamTracker 2 only outputs mono sound.
  * PSM: File header probing was stricter than actual file loader,
    rejecting manipulated files that would otherwise load fine.
Comments 1

Dave Plater's avatar

libmodplug package submitted to Factory see sr#812206

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