Edit Package finalcut

FINAL CUT is a C++ class library and widget toolkit with full mouse support for creating a text-based user interface. The library supports the programmer to develop an application for the text console. It allows the simultaneous handling of multiple text windows on the screen.
The structure of the Qt framework was originally the inspiration for the C++ class design of FINAL CUT. It provides common controls like dialog boxes, push buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, input lines, list boxes, status bars and so on.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
finalcut-0.9.0.tar.gz 0000909734 888 KB
finalcut.changes 0000003640 3.55 KB
finalcut.spec 0000007542 7.37 KB
Latest Revision
Anton Shvetz's avatar Anton Shvetz (urbic) committed (revision 1)
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