
Edit Package lib2geom

2Geom is a C++ 2D geometry library geared towards robust processing of
computational geometry data associated with vector graphics. The primary
design consideration is ease of use and clarity. It is dual-licensed
under LGPL 2.1 and MPL 1.1.
The library is descended from a set of geometric routines present in
Inkscape, a vector graphics editor based around the Scalable Vector
Graphics format, the most widespread vector graphics interchange format
on the Web and a W3C Recommendation. Due to this legacy, not all parts
of the API form a coherent whole (yet).
Rendering is outside the scope of this library, and it is assumed
something like libcairo or similar is employed for this. 2geom
concentrates on higher level algorithms and geometric computations.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
fix-pkgconfig-libdir-path.patch 0000000352 352 Bytes
lib2geom-1.4.tar.gz 0001466446 1.4 MB
lib2geom.changes 0000005122 5 KB
lib2geom.spec 0000004728 4.62 KB
Source MD5 is db4abb53e3ec220cef37f593d4a96fff (latest revision is 1)
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