Session / policy manager implementation for PipeWire

Edit Package wireplumber

WirePlumber is a modular session / policy manager for PipeWire and a GObject-based high-level library that wraps PipeWire's API, providing convenience for writing the daemon's modules as well as external tools for managing PipeWire.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
0001-autoswitch-bluetooth-profile-switch-only-Bluetooth-devices.patch 0000003049 2.98 KB
0002-autoswitch-bluetooth-profile-Switch-to-HSP_HFP-on-timeout.patch 0000003458 3.38 KB
0003-m-mixer-api-Fix-memory-in-leak-wp_mixer_api_set_volume.patch 0000001505 1.47 KB
0004-module-dbus-connection-fix-GCancellable-leak.patch 0000003190 3.12 KB
_service 0000000829 829 Bytes 0000002137 2.09 KB
wireplumber-0.5.6.obscpio 0002791436 2.66 MB
wireplumber.changes 0000105006 103 KB
wireplumber.obsinfo 0000000100 100 Bytes
wireplumber.spec 0000009843 9.61 KB
Latest Revision
Bernhard obsslowrollbot Wiedemann's avatar Bernhard obsslowrollbot Wiedemann (obsslowrollbot) committed (revision 2)
Set link revision to da04645620abae4b4210e9bfa9bfd5d7
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