Loki: like Prometheus, but for logs.

Edit Package loki

Loki is a horizontally-scalable, highly-available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000659 659 Bytes
loki-2.2.1+git.1617669398.babea82e.tar.bz2 0018821028 17.9 MB
loki.changes 0000011126 10.9 KB
loki.service 0000000384 384 Bytes
loki.spec 0000004237 4.14 KB
promtail.service 0000000413 413 Bytes
sysconfig.loki 0000000240 240 Bytes
sysconfig.promtail 0000000263 263 Bytes
Revision 6 (latest revision is 30)
Stefano Torresi's avatar Stefano Torresi (STorresi) committed (revision 6)
update to version 2.2.1
Comments 4

Johannes Kastl's avatar

Any reason this is still on 2.8.x?

If there is none, I would update to 2.9 or 3.x? If there are, I would propose to copypac the package to loki-2.8 and update this to the latest version. I can of course help with that.

Stefano Torresi's avatar

FYI if anyone wants to take over maintenance of this package, be my guest. I hardly have the chance to do much work on it, I'm afraid.

Johannes Kastl's avatar

Hi Stefano, I'll try help and update this to 2.9 or 3.x and keep it up to date.

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