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Job history of network:utilities / rsh

Repository / Architecture: SLE_15_SP3 / aarch64
Revision Time (not formatted) Time Reason Status Code Build Time (not formatted) Build Time Worker
2 1718799794 meta change unchanged 61 1m 1s i02-armsrv2:32
2 1717071300 meta change unchanged 51 51s i03-armsrv1:10
2 1712904548 meta change unchanged 50 50s i03-armsrv1:24
2 1712572470 meta change unchanged 120 2m 0s i03-armsrv1:25
2 1712054634 meta change unchanged 87 1m 27s i03-armsrv2:11
2 1711466122 source change succeeded 183 3m 3s i01-armsrv3:17
1 1711369045 meta change unchanged 59 59s i02-armsrv3:22
1 1710758005 new build succeeded 153 2m 33s i03-armsrv2:40
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