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Job history of openSUSE:Maintenance:9475 / yast2-users.openSUSE_Leap_15.0_Update

Repository / Architecture: openSUSE_Leap_15.0_Update_ports / aarch64
Revision Time (not formatted) Time Reason Status Code Build Time (not formatted) Build Time Worker
3 1553343911 meta change unchanged 364 6m 4s obs-arm-4:10
3 1553340564 meta change succeeded 323 5m 23s armbuild02:2
3 1553334083 meta change unchanged 208 3m 28s obs-arm-7:13
3 1553333125 meta change unchanged 341 5m 41s armbuild24:3
3 1553328225 new build succeeded 348 5m 48s obs-arm-4:16
2 1547572609 new build succeeded 244 4m 4s obs-arm-5:12
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