Recommended update for pacemaker

This update for pacemaker fixes the following issues:

- scheduler: wait for probe actions to complete to prevent unnecessary restart/re-promote
of dependent resources (bsc#1130122, bsc#1032511)
- The --help option of stonith_admin defines now the usage of --cleanup (bsc#1135317)
- controller: confirm cancel of failed monitors (bsc#1133866)
- libcrmcommon: returns an error when applying XML diffs containing unknown operations (bsc#1127716)
- libcrmcommon: avoids now a possible use-of-NULL when applying XML diffs (bsc#1127716)
- libcrmcommon: correctly apply XML diffs with multiple move/create changes (bsc#1127716)

This update was imported from the SUSE:SLE-15-SP1:Update update project.

Fixed bugs
Clear Failed Fencing Actions Messages Not working
L3: Cleaning up a SAPHana M/S resource causes a 10 minute delay on cluster transition
crm cleanup caused unnecessary resource restart
Resource unnecessarily restarts after cleaning up a dependency resource
pacemaker: reordering of a group with a blocked device make additional changes
crm cleanup rsc does not always work on blocked resources
crmd crashes on updating Pacemaker with SIGABRT, cib address in already in use
Selected Binaries
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