Recommended update for kubo

This update for kubo fixes the following issues:

kubo was updated to 0.23.0 - for details see


* Mplex deprecation
* Gateway: meaningful CAR responses on Not Found errors
* Gateway: added Gateway.DisableHTMLErrors configuration option
* Binary characters in file names: no longer works with old clients and new Kubo servers
* Self-hosting /routing/v1 endpoint for delegated routing needs
* Trustless Gateway Over Libp2p Experiment
* Removal of /quic (Draft 29) support
* Better Caching of multiaddresses for providers in DHT servers
* Fixed FUSE multiblock structures

Update to 0.22.0 - for details see

* Gateway: support for order= and dups= parameters (IPIP-412)
* ipfs name publish now supports V2 only IPNS records
* IPNS name resolution has been fixed
* go-libp2p v0.29.0 update with smart dialing

Rename from go-ipfs to kubo to follow upsteam git repo rename

Update to 0.21.0 - for details see

* Saving previously seen nodes for later bootstrapping
* Gateway: DeserializedResponses config flag
* Gateway: DAG-CBOR/-JSON previews and improved error pages
* Gateway: subdomain redirects are now text/html
* Gateway: support for partial CAR export parameters
* ipfs dag stat deduping statistics
* Accelerated DHT Client is no longer experimental
* client/rpc migration of go-ipfs-http-client

Update to 0.18.1 - for details see:

* Support InterPlanetary Network Indexers
* Support DAG-JSON and DAG-CBOR in gateways
* Enable WebTransport by default
* Improve libp2p resource management integration

Update to 0.17.0 - for details see:

* libp2p resource management enabled by default
* Implicit connection manager limits
* TAR Response Format on Gateways
* Dialling /wss peer behind a reverse proxy
* More configurable delegated routing system
* WebTransport new experimental Transport
* Hardened IPNS record verification
* Web Gateways now support _redirects files
* Add files to MFS with ipfs add --to-files
* Blake 3 support
* Fx Options plugin
* $IPFS_PATH/gateway file
* Removed mdns_legacy implementation
* Delegated Routing
* ipfs repo migrate
* Emoji support in Multibase

Update to 0.13.0

* Can now limit how much resource usage libp2p consumes
* Improve connecting with nodes behind NATs and Firewalls
* Improve HTTP gateway to allow making faster CDNs
* Add Gateway.FastDirIndexThreshold configuration, for fast listings
of big directories, without the linear slowdown caused by reading
size metadata from child nodes.
* Improve Etag and If-None-Match
* Add X-Ipfs-Roots for smarter HTTP caches
* Added metrics per response type
* OpenTelemetry tracing
* Expand diag profile command
* Support for PEM/PKCS8 for key import/export
* Use standard IPLD codec names across the CLI/HTTP API
* Prioritize Yamux over Mplex stream multiplexer
* for details

Update to 0.12.0

* change how data blocks are stored -> needs migration

Update to 0.11.0

* UnixFS sharding is now automatic and enabled by default
* can no longer act as a Circuit Relay v1
* HTTP RPC wire format for experimental commands at /api/v0/pubsub changed
* Circuit Relay v2
* New configuration flags:
+ Addresses.AppendAnnounce
+ Pubsub.Enabled
* changed ipfs dag get
* changed ipfs dag put
* UnixFS refactor
* Add ipfs multibase command
* Bitswap now supports greater configurability
* Programmatic shell completions command
* Profile collection command
* Add Peering command

Update to 0.9.0

* Exporting of DAGs via Gateways
* Custom DNS Resolvers
* Support for non-ICANN DNSLink names
* Updated to the latest WebUI
* IPNS keys can now be exported via the CLI without stopping the daemon
* Experimental DHT Client and Provider System
* Deprecations
+ The ipfs object commands are now deprecated
+ X-Ipfs-Gateway-Prefix is now deprecated
+ Proquints support removed
+ SECIO support removed

Update to 0.8.0

* Add Remote pinning services: ipfs pin remote
* Faster local pinning and unpinning
* update quic-go to support QUIC draft-32

Update to 0.7.0

* Default to Ed25519 keys
* Secio is now disabled by default
* IPNS paths now encode the key name as a base36 CIDv1 by default
* Multiaddresses now accept PeerIDs encoded as CIDv1
* dag stat command shows size and number of blocks

Update to 0.5.0

* Improved DHT
* Improved Content Transfer
* Refactored Bitswap
* Stable Badger Datastore
* Improved Backoff Logic
* AutoNAT - determining if the node is reachable from the public internet
* PeerIDs under /p2p/QmSomePeerID instead of /ipfs/QmSomePeerID
* enforce RSA keys with 2048+ bits
* TLS By Default
* Subdomain Gateway now uses http://CID.ipfs.localhost:8080/
* PubSub is now using more efficient "gossipsub" implementation
* Files can now be ignored on add by passing the --ignore and/or
--ignore-rules-path flags.
* It's now possible to add data directly from a named pipe
* Systemd Support
* socket activation and startup/shutdown notifications
* IPFS API Over Unix Domain Sockets
* After install run ipfs daemon --migrate

Update to 0.4.23

* Fixed Panics and Crashes
* Fixed Spontaneous TLS Disconnects
* Better Bitswap
* Reduced Relay Related DHT Spam
* Retuned Connection Manager
* Fixed Resursive Resolving of dnsaddr Multiaddrs

Update to 0.4.22

* Key bug fixes:
* Too many open file descriptors/too many peers (#6237).
* Adding multiple files at the same time doesn't work (#6254).
* CPU utilization spikes and then holds at 100% (#5613).
* Key features:
* Experimental TLS1.3 support (to eventually replace secio).
* OpenSSL support for SECIO handshakes (performance improvement).

Update to 0.4.20

* fixed a frequent panic in the DHT
* workaround stuck transfers
* See
for full changes

Fixed bugs
Selected Binaries
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