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File python-django_compressor.changes of Package python-django_compressor
------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 16 06:45:28 UTC 2017 - - update to 2.1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 22 18:18:31 CET 2017 - - Update to version 2.1: * Add Django 1.10 compatibility * Add support for inheritance using a variable in offline compression * Fix recursion error with offline compression when extending templates with the same name * Fix UnicodeDecodeError when using CompilerFilter and caching * Fix CssAbsoluteFilter changing double quotes to single quotes, breaking SVG ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 6 16:24:17 UTC 2016 - - update to 2.0: - Add Django 1.9 compatibility - Remove official support for Django 1.4 and 1.7 - Add official support for Python 3.5 - Remove official support for Python 2.6 - Remove support for coffin and jingo - Fix Jinja2 compatibility for Django 1.8+ - Stop bundling vendored versions of rcssmin and rjsmin, make them proper dependencies - Remove support for CSSTidy - Remove support for beautifulsoup 3. - Replace cssmin by csscompressor (cssmin is still available for backwards-compatibility but points to rcssmin) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 20 12:07:14 UTC 2016 - - update to 1.6 - Upgrade rcssmin and rjsmin - Apply CssAbsoluteFilter to precompiled css even when compression is disabled - Add optional caching to CompilerFilter to avoid re-compiling unchanged files - Fix various deprecation warnings on Django 1.7 / 1.8 - Fix TemplateFilter - Fix double-rendering bug with sekizai extension - Fix debug mode using destination directory instead of staticfiles finders first - Removed some silent exception catching in compress command ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jul 25 19:59:44 UTC 2015 - - fix non-suse build by conditionalizing "Suggests" tags ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 23 16:45:28 UTC 2015 - - update to 1.5: - Fix compress command and run automated tests for Django 1.8 - Fix Django 1.8 warnings - Handle TypeError from import_module - Fix reading UTF-8 files which have BOM - Fix incompatibility with Windows (shell_quote is not supported) - Run automated tests on Django 1.7 - Ignore non-existent {{ block.super }} in offline compression instead of raising AttributeError - Support for clean-css - Fix link markup - Add support for COMPRESS_CSS_HASHING_METHOD = None - Remove compatibility with old 'staticfiles' app - In compress command, use get_template() instead of opening template files manually, fixing compatibility issues - Fix FilterBase so that does not override self.type for subclasses if filter_type is not specified at init - Remove unnecessary filename and existence checks in CssAbsoluteFilter ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 26 09:42:00 UTC 2014 - - update to 1.4: - Added Python 3 compatibility. - Added compatibility with Django 1.6.x. - Fixed compatibility with html5lib 1.0. - Added offline compression for Jinja2 with Jingo and Coffin integration. - Improved support for template inheritance in offline compression. - Made offline compression avoid compressing the same block multiple times. - Added a ``testenv`` target in the Makefile to make it easier to set up the test environment. - Allowed data-uri filter to handle external/protocol-relative references. - Made ``CssCompressor`` class easier to extend. - Added support for explictly stating the block being ended. - Added rcssmin and updated rjsmin. - Removed implicit requirement on BeautifulSoup. - Made GzipCompressorFileStorage set access and modified times to the same time as the corresponding base file. - Defaulted to using django's simplejson, if present. - Fixed CompilerFilter to always output Unicode strings. - Fixed windows line endings in offline compression. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 24 11:01:47 UTC 2013 - - Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 13 08:39:13 UTC 2013 - - update to 1.3: - *Backward incompatible changes* - Dropped support for Python 2.5. Removed ``any`` and ``walk`` compatibility functions in ``compressor.utils``. - Removed compatibility with Django 1.2 for default values of some settings: - :attr:`~COMPRESS_ROOT` no longer uses ``MEDIA_ROOT`` if ``STATIC_ROOT`` is not defined. It expects ``STATIC_ROOT`` to be defined instead. - :attr:`~COMPRESS_URL` no longer uses ``MEDIA_URL`` if ``STATIC_URL`` is not defined. It expects ``STATIC_URL`` to be defined instead. - :attr:`~COMPRESS_CACHE_BACKEND` no longer uses ``CACHE_BACKEND`` and simply defaults to ``default``. - Added precompiler class support. This enables you to write custom precompilers with Python logic in them instead of just relying on executables. - Made CssAbsoluteFilter smarter: it now handles URLs with hash fragments or querystring correctly. In addition, it now leaves alone fragment-only URLs. - Removed a ``fsync()`` call in ``CompilerFilter`` to improve performance. We already called ``self.infile.flush()`` so that call was not necessary. - Added an extension to provide django-sekizai support. See :ref:`django-sekizai Support <django-sekizai_support>` for more information. - Fixed a ``DeprecationWarning`` regarding the use of ``django.utils.hashcompat`` - Updated bundled ```` to fix some JavaScript compression errors. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 28 15:32:11 UTC 2012 - - Add suggestions for useful additions: + python-beautifulsoup + python-html5lib + python-lxml + python-slimit ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 26 14:47:14 UTC 2012 - - license update: MIT and BSD-3-Clause and Apache-2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 13 22:47:11 UTC 2012 - - Update to 1.2: * Added compatibility with Django 1.4 and dropped support for Django 1.2.X. * Added contributing docs. Be sure to check them out and start contributing! * Moved CI to Travis: * Introduced a new compressed context dictionary that is passed to the templates that are responsible for rendering the compressed snippets. This is a backwards-incompatible change if you've overridden any of the included templates: compressor/css_file.html compressor/css_inline.html compressor/js_file.html compressor/js_inline.html The variables passed to those templates have been namespaced in a dictionary, so it's easy to fix your own templates. For example, the old compressor/js_file.html: <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ url }}"></script> The new compressor/js_file.html: <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ compressed.url }}"></script> * Removed old templates named compressor/css.html and compressor/js.html that were originally left for backwards compatibility. If you've overridden them, just rename them to compressor/css_file.html or compressor/js_file.html and make sure you've accounted for the backwards incompatible change of the template context mentioned above. * Reverted an unfortunate change to the YUI filter that prepended 'java -jar' to the binary name, which doesn't alway work, e.g. if the YUI compressor is shipped as a script like /usr/bin/yui-compressor. * Changed the sender parameter of the post_compress() signal to be either compressor.css.CssCompressor or compressor.js.JsCompressor for easier customization. * Correctly handle offline compressing files that are found in {% if %} template blocks. * Renamed the second option for the COMPRESS_CSS_HASHING_METHOD setting from 'hash' to 'content' to better describe what it does. The old name is also supported, as well as the default being 'mtime'. * Fixed CssAbsoluteFilter, src attributes in includes now get transformed. * Added a new hook to allow developers to completely bypass offline compression in CompressorNode subclasses: is_offline_compression_enabled. * Dropped versiontools from required dependencies again. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 1 13:26:25 UTC 2012 - - Spec file cleanup: * Simplified macro usage * Removed outdated %clean section * Buildrequire python-distribute instead of setuptools ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 20 02:04:02 UTC 2012 - - Add missing requirement for django-appconf ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 12 19:03:33 UTC 2012 - - Update to 1.1.2: * Fixed an installation issue related to versiontools ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Nov 26 06:01:29 UTC 2011 - - Update to 1.1.1: - Fixed a stupid ImportError bug introduced in 1.1 - Fixed Jinja2 docs of since JINJA2_EXTENSIONS expects a class, not a module - Fixed a Windows bug with regard to file resolving with staticfiles finders - Stopped a potential memory leak when memoizing the rendered output - Fixed the integration between staticfiles (e.g. in Django <= 1.3.1) and compressor which prevents the collectstatic management command to work - Warning - Make sure to remove the path method of your custom remote storage class! - 1.1: - Made offline compression completely independent from cache (by writing a manifest.json file) - You can now easily run the compress management command locally and transfer the COMPRESS_ROOT dir to your server - Updated installation instructions to properly mention all dependencies, even those internally used - Fixed a bug introduced in 1.0 which would prevent the proper deactivation of the compression in production - Added a Jinja2 contrib extension - Made sure the rel attribute of link tags can be mixed case - Avoid overwriting context variables needed for compressor to work - Stopped the compress management command to require model validation - Added missing imports and fixed a few PEP 8 issues - 1.0.1: - Fixed regression in compressor.utils.staticfiles compatibility module - 1.0: - BACKWARDS-INCOMPATIBLE Stopped swallowing exceptions raised by rendering the template tag in production (DEBUG = False). This has the potential to breaking lots of apps but on the other hand will help find bugs - BACKWARDS-INCOMPATIBLE The default function to create the cache key stopped containing the server hostname. Instead the cache key now only has the form 'django_compressor.<KEY>' - To revert to the previous way simply set the COMPRESS_CACHE_KEY_FUNCTION to 'compressor.cache.socket_cachekey' - BACKWARDS-INCOMPATIBLE Renamed ambigously named COMPRESS_DATA_URI_MAX_SIZE setting to COMPRESS_DATA_URI_MAX_SIZE. It’s the maximum size the compressor.filters.datauri.DataUriFilter filter will embed files as data: URIs - Added COMPRESS_CSS_HASHING_METHOD setting with the options 'mtime' (default) and 'hash' for the CssAbsoluteFilter filter. The latter uses the content of the file to calculate the cache-busting hash - Added support for {{ block.super }} to compress management command - Dropped Django 1.1.X support - Fixed compiler filters on Windows - Handle new-style cached template loaders in the compress management command - Documented included filters - Added Slim It filter - Added new CallbackOutputFilter to ease the implementation of Python-based callback filters that only need to pass the content to a callable - Make use of django-appconf for settings handling and versiontools for versions - Uses the current context when rendering the render templates - Added post_compress signal ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 27 21:27:56 UTC 2011 - - Initial release
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