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File sle-module-web-scripting-release.spec of Package sle-module-web-scripting-release
# # spec file for package sle-module-web-scripting-release (Version 12) # # Copyright (c) 2016 SUSE. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # Name: sle-module-web-scripting-release %define product sle-module-web-scripting Summary: Web and Scripting Module Version: 12 Release: 0 License: BSD-3-Clause Group: System/Fhs Provides: %name-%version Provides: product() = sle-module-web-scripting Provides: product(sle-module-web-scripting) = 12-0 %ifarch x86_64 Provides: product-register-target() = sle%2D12%2Dx86_64 %endif %ifarch s390x Provides: product-register-target() = sle%2D12%2Ds390x %endif %ifarch ppc64le Provides: product-register-target() = sle%2D12%2Dppc64le %endif %ifarch aarch64 Provides: product-register-target() = sle%2D12%2Daarch64 %endif Provides: product-label() = Web%2Dand%2DScripting%2DModule Provides: product-cpeid() = cpe%3A%2Fo%3Asuse%3Asle%2Dmodule%2Dweb%2Dscripting%3A12 Provides: product-url(bugtracker) = %ifarch x86_64 Provides: product-updates-repoid() = %endif %ifarch s390x Provides: product-updates-repoid() = %endif %ifarch ppc64le Provides: product-updates-repoid() = %endif %ifarch aarch64 Provides: product-updates-repoid() = %endif %ifarch x86_64 Provides: product-updates-repoid() = %endif %ifarch s390x Provides: product-updates-repoid() = %endif %ifarch ppc64le Provides: product-updates-repoid() = %endif %ifarch aarch64 Provides: product-updates-repoid() = %endif Provides: product-register-flavor() = module Provides: product-endoflife() = 2024%2D10%2D31 Requires: product_flavor(sle-module-web-scripting) Requires: product(SLES) >= 12 Requires: lifecycle-data-sle-module-web-scripting AutoReqProv: on BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build %description <p> The SUSE Linux Enterprise Web and Scripting Module delivers a comprehensive suite of scripting languages, frameworks, and related tools helping developers and systems administrators accelerate the creation of stable, modern web applications, using dynamic languages, such as PHP, Ruby on Rails, and Python. </p> <p> Access to the Web and Scripting Module is included in your SUSE Linux Enterprise Server subscription. The module has a different lifecycle than SUSE Linux Enterprise Server itself: Package versions in the this module are usually supported for at most three years. We are planning to release more recent versions on a schedule of approximately 18 month; the exact dates may differ per package. </p> %package cd License: BSD-3-Clause Group: System/Fhs Provides: product_flavor() Provides: flavor(cd) Provides: product_flavor(sle-module-web-scripting) = 12-0 Summary: Web and Scripting Module %description cd <p> The SUSE Linux Enterprise Web and Scripting Module delivers a comprehensive suite of scripting languages, frameworks, and related tools helping developers and systems administrators accelerate the creation of stable, modern web applications, using dynamic languages, such as PHP, Ruby on Rails, and Python. </p> <p> Access to the Web and Scripting Module is included in your SUSE Linux Enterprise Server subscription. The module has a different lifecycle than SUSE Linux Enterprise Server itself: Package versions in the this module are usually supported for at most three years. We are planning to release more recent versions on a schedule of approximately 18 month; the exact dates may differ per package. </p> %files cd %defattr(-,root,root) %doc %{_defaultdocdir}/sle-module-web-scripting-release-cd %package POOL License: BSD-3-Clause Group: System/Fhs Provides: product_flavor() Provides: flavor(POOL) Provides: product_flavor(sle-module-web-scripting) = 12-0 Summary: Web and Scripting Module %description POOL <p> The SUSE Linux Enterprise Web and Scripting Module delivers a comprehensive suite of scripting languages, frameworks, and related tools helping developers and systems administrators accelerate the creation of stable, modern web applications, using dynamic languages, such as PHP, Ruby on Rails, and Python. </p> <p> Access to the Web and Scripting Module is included in your SUSE Linux Enterprise Server subscription. The module has a different lifecycle than SUSE Linux Enterprise Server itself: Package versions in the this module are usually supported for at most three years. We are planning to release more recent versions on a schedule of approximately 18 month; the exact dates may differ per package. </p> %files POOL %defattr(-,root,root) %doc %{_defaultdocdir}/sle-module-web-scripting-release-POOL %prep %build %install mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/products.d cat >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/products.d/ << EOF <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <product schemeversion="0"> <vendor>SUSE</vendor> <name>sle-module-web-scripting</name> <version>12</version> <baseversion>12</baseversion> <patchlevel>0</patchlevel> <release>0</release> <endoflife>2024-10-31</endoflife> <arch>%{_target_cpu}</arch> <cpeid>cpe:/o:suse:sle-module-web-scripting:12</cpeid> <productline>sle-module-web-scripting</productline> <register> %ifarch x86_64 <target>sle-12-x86_64</target> %endif %ifarch s390x <target>sle-12-s390x</target> %endif %ifarch ppc64le <target>sle-12-ppc64le</target> %endif %ifarch aarch64 <target>sle-12-aarch64</target> %endif <flavor>module</flavor> <updates> %ifarch x86_64 <repository repoid="obsrepository://" /> %endif %ifarch s390x <repository repoid="obsrepository://" /> %endif %ifarch ppc64le <repository repoid="obsrepository://" /> %endif %ifarch aarch64 <repository repoid="obsrepository://" /> %endif %ifarch x86_64 <repository repoid="obsrepository://" /> %endif %ifarch s390x <repository repoid="obsrepository://" /> %endif %ifarch ppc64le <repository repoid="obsrepository://" /> %endif %ifarch aarch64 <repository repoid="obsrepository://" /> %endif </updates> </register> <upgrades /> <summary>Web and Scripting Module</summary> <shortsummary>Web-and-Scripting-Module</shortsummary> <description><p> The SUSE Linux Enterprise Web and Scripting Module delivers a comprehensive suite of scripting languages, frameworks, and related tools helping developers and systems administrators accelerate the creation of stable, modern web applications, using dynamic languages, such as PHP, Ruby on Rails, and Python. </p> <p> Access to the Web and Scripting Module is included in your SUSE Linux Enterprise Server subscription. The module has a different lifecycle than SUSE Linux Enterprise Server itself: Package versions in the this module are usually supported for at most three years. We are planning to release more recent versions on a schedule of approximately 18 month; the exact dates may differ per package. </p></description> <urls> <url name="bugtracker"></url> </urls> <buildconfig> <producttheme>SLES</producttheme> </buildconfig> <installconfig> <defaultlang>en_US</defaultlang> <datadir>suse</datadir> <descriptiondir>suse/setup/descr</descriptiondir> <releasepackage name="%{name}" flag="EQ" version="%{version}" release="%{release}" /> <distribution>SUSE_SLE</distribution> </installconfig> <runtimeconfig /> <productdependency relationship="requires" name="SLES" baseversion="12" patchlevel="0" flag="GE" /> </product> EOF mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_defaultdocdir}/sle-module-web-scripting-release-cd cat >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_defaultdocdir}/sle-module-web-scripting-release-cd/README << EOF This package only exists for providing the product flavor 'cd'. EOF mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_defaultdocdir}/sle-module-web-scripting-release-POOL cat >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_defaultdocdir}/sle-module-web-scripting-release-POOL/README << EOF This package only exists for providing the product flavor 'POOL'. EOF %clean rm -rf %buildroot %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %dir /etc/products.d /etc/products.d/*.prod %changelog
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