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File SLED-release.spec of Package SLED-release.533
# # spec file for package sled-release (Version 12-SP0) # # Copyright (c) 2009 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # # norootforbuild Name: sled-release Summary: SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 Version: 12 Release: 0 License: GPL-2.0+ Group: System/Fhs BuildRequires: skelcd-control-SLED Recommends: branding Provides: distribution-release Provides: product(SUSE_SLE) = %{version}-%{release} Provides: product(SUSE_SLE-SP0) = %{version}-%{release} # # take care of old packages [bnc#873390] Obsoletes: yast2-add-on-creator < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-autofs < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-backup < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-irda < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-iscsi-server < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-lxc < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-mail-plugins < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-novell-client <= 3.0.0 Obsoletes: yast2-openvas-security-scanner < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-power-management < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-rdp < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-registration-branding-SLE < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-repair < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-restore < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-slp-server < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-sshd < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-tune < 2.18 Obsoletes: xorg-x11-server-rdp < 7.4 Provides: %name-%version Provides: product() = SLED Provides: product(SLED) = 12-0 Provides: product-register-target() = sle%2D12%2Dx86_64 Provides: product-label() = SLED12 Provides: product-cpeid() = cpe%3A%2Fo%3Asuse%3Asled%3A12 Provides: product-url(releasenotes) ={_target_cpu}%2FSUSE%2DSLED%2F12%2Frelease%2Dnotes%2Dsled.rpm %ifarch x86_64 Provides: product-updates-repoid() = %endif %ifarch x86_64 Provides: product-updates-repoid() = %endif Obsoletes: product:SUSE_SLED Provides: product-endoflife() = 2019%2D10%2D31 Requires: product_flavor(SLED) Provides: product(SUSE_SLE) = 12 Provides: product(SUSE_SLE-SP0) = 12 # Make sure we are at SLED 12 level PreReq: glibc >= 2.18 Conflicts: kernel < 3.11 # Conflicts: perl-Bootloader < # take care of old packages [bnc#873390] Obsoletes: yast2-add-on-creator < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-autofs < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-backup < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-irda < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-iscsi-server < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-lxc < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-mail-plugins < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-openvas-security-scanner < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-power-management < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-phone-services < 2.17 Obsoletes: yast2-rdp < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-registration-branding-SLE < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-repair < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-restore < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-slp-server < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-sshd < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-tune < 2.18 Obsoletes: yast2-tv < 2.18 # no mono bnc#873393 Obsoletes: mono-core < 2.6.8 Obsoletes: mono-data < 2.6.8 Obsoletes: mono-data-postgresql < 2.6.8 Obsoletes: mono-data-sqlite < 2.6.8 Obsoletes: mono-locale-extras < 2.6.8 Obsoletes: mono-nunit < 2.6.8 Obsoletes: mono-web < 2.6.8 Obsoletes: mono-winforms < 2.6.8 Obsoletes: xsp < 2.6.6 Obsoletes: log4net < 1.2.11 Obsoletes: acpid < 1.0.6 # no sax2 bnc#880104 Obsoletes: sax2 < 8.2 Obsoletes: sax2-gui < 8.2 Obsoletes: sax2-ident < 8.2 Obsoletes: sax-libsax < 8.2 Obsoletes: sax2-libsax-perl < 8.2 Obsoletes: sax2-tools < 8.2 # remove old packages Obsoletes: IlmBase <= 1.0.1 # FIXME Obsoletes: a2ps <= 4.13 Obsoletes: acpid <= 1.0.6 Obsoletes: agfa-fonts <= 2003.03.19 Obsoletes: ash <= 1.6.1 Obsoletes: awesfx <= 0.5.1a Obsoletes: beagle-firefox <= 0.3.8 Obsoletes: bootsplash-branding-SLED <= 3.1 Obsoletes: CASA-32bit <= 1.7.1592 Obsoletes: capi4linux-32bit <= 2013.5.13 Obsoletes: cellwriter <= 1.3.4 Obsoletes: chmlib <= 0.39 Obsoletes: clucene-core <= 0.9.21 Obsoletes: cpufrequtils <= 004 Obsoletes: cpufrequtils-32bit <= 004 Obsoletes: dhcpcd <= 3.2.3 # FIXME should we move this to desktop-data-SLE ? Obsoletes: desktop-data-SLED <= 11 Obsoletes: desktop-data-SLED-extra-gnome <= 11 Obsoletes: fam <= 2.7.0 Obsoletes: fam-32bit <= 2.7.0 Obsoletes: fbset <= 2.1 Obsoletes: gcc43-info < 4.3.5 Obsoletes: gfxboot-branding-SLED <= 4.1.32 Obsoletes: ghostscript-omni <= 8.62 Obsoletes: gimp-branding-SLED <= 11.1 Obsoletes: gle <= 3.1.0 Obsoletes: glib <= 1.2.10 Obsoletes: glib-32bit <= 1.2.10 # Obsoletes: glib2-branding-SLED <= 2.16 Obsoletes: gmp <= 4.2.3 Obsoletes: gnome-audio <= 2.22.2 Obsoletes: gnu-crypto <= 2.0.1 Obsoletes: liboffice-0_10-10 <= 0.10.9 Obsoletes: grub <= 0.97 #bnc#881560 Obsoletes: gstreamer-0_10-plugins-farsight <= 0.12.11 Obsoletes: gstreamer-0_10-plugins-v4l < 0.10.36 Obsoletes: gtk2-themes <= 0.1 Obsoletes: gtk2-theme-SLED <= 11.1 Obsoletes: gtkglext <= 1.2.0 Obsoletes: gwenhywfar <= 2.6.2 Obsoletes: hal-32bit <= 0.5.12 Obsoletes: htdig <= 3.2.0b6 Obsoletes: i4l-isdnlog <= 2013.5.13 Obsoletes: ifplugd <= 0.28 Obsoletes: irda <= 0.9.18 Obsoletes: jarnal <= 9.23 # FIXME ? Obsoletes: jpeg <= 6b Obsoletes: kde3-i18n-ar <= 3.5.10 Obsoletes: kde3-i18n-cs <= 3.5.10 Obsoletes: kde3-i18n-de <= 3.5.10 Obsoletes: kde3-i18n-es <= 3.5.10 Obsoletes: kde3-i18n-fr <= 3.5.10 Obsoletes: kde3-i18n-it <= 3.5.10 Obsoletes: kde3-i18n-ja <= 3.5.10 Obsoletes: kde3-i18n-ko <= 3.5.10 Obsoletes: kde3-i18n-pt_BR <= 3.5.10 Obsoletes: kde3-i18n-zh_CN <= 3.5.10 Obsoletes: kde3-i18n-zh_TW <= 3.5.10 Obsoletes: kdelibs3-default-style <= 3.5.10 Obsoletes: kde4-accessibility <= 4.3.5 Obsoletes: kernel-bigsmp-devel < 3.12 Obsoletes: ktoblzcheck <= 1.19 Obsoletes: ksymoops <= 2.4.11 Obsoletes: lha <= Obsoletes: lcrash <= 7.0.2 Obsoletes: libFLAC++6 <= 1.2.1 Obsoletes: libHX13 <= 1.23 Obsoletes: libHX13-32bit <= 1.23 Obsoletes: libass4 <= 0.9.12 Obsoletes: libbabl-0_0-0 <= 0.0.22 Obsoletes: libavahi-core5 <= 0.6.23 Obsoletes: libbeagle1 <= Obsoletes: libcdio7 <= 0.80 Obsoletes: libcolorblind0 <= 0.0.1 Obsoletes: libdb-4_5 <= 4.5.20 Obsoletes: libdb-4_5-32bit <= 4.5.20 Obsoletes: libdrm <= 2.4.41 Obsoletes: libdrm-32bit <= 2.4.41 Obsoletes: libevent-1_4-2 <= 1.4.5 Obsoletes: libevoldap-2_4-2 <= 2.4.12 Obsoletes: libexiv2-4 <= 0.17.1 Obsoletes: libfreerdp0 <= 0.8.2 Obsoletes: libflaim <= 4.9.1046 Obsoletes: libgcc43 <= 4.6.9 Obsoletes: libgcc43-32bit <= 4.6.9 Obsoletes: libgcj43-jar < 4.3.5 Obsoletes: libgcrypt11 <= 1.5.0 Obsoletes: libgcrypt11-32bit <= 1.5.0 Obsoletes: libgimpprint <= 4.2.7 Obsoletes: libgirepository-1_0-0 <= 0.6.5 Obsoletes: libgmime-2_0-3 <= 2.2.23 Obsoletes: libgmime-2_4-2 <= 2.4.8 Obsoletes: libgnome-menu2 <= Obsoletes: libgsf <= 1.14.9 Obsoletes: libgssdp-1_0-2 <= 0.7.0 Obsoletes: libgstbasecamerabinsrc-0_10-0 <= 0.10.22 Obsoletes: libgstbasecamerabinsrc-0_10-0-32bit <= 0.10.22 Obsoletes: libgstbasevideo-0_10-0 <= 0.10.22 Obsoletes: libgstbasevideo-0_10-0-32bit <= 0.10.22 Obsoletes: libgstphotography-0_10-0 <= 0.10.22 Obsoletes: libgstphotography-0_10-0-32bit <= 0.10.22 Obsoletes: libgstsignalprocessor-0_10-0 <= 0.10.22 Obsoletes: libgstsignalprocessor-0_10-0-32bit <= 0.10.22 Obsoletes: libgstvdp-0_10-0 <= 0.10.22 Obsoletes: libgstvdp-0_10-0-32bit <= 0.10.22 Obsoletes: libgtop-2_0-7 Obsoletes: libgwenhywfar38 <= 2.6.2 Obsoletes: libical0 <= 0.43 Obsoletes: libical0-32bit <= 0.43 Obsoletes: libidn <= 1.10 Obsoletes: libidn-32bit <= 1.10 Obsoletes: libjingle-0_3-0 <= 0.3.11 Obsoletes: libjpeg <= 6.2.0 Obsoletes: libjpeg-32bit <= 6.2.0 Obsoletes: liblazy1 <= 0.2 Obsoletes: liblouis0 <= 1.7.0 Obsoletes: liblzmadec0 <= 4.32.7 Obsoletes: libmsn0_1 <= 3.9.97 Obsoletes: libmtp8 <= 0.3.4 Obsoletes: libmysqlclient15 <= 5.0.96 Obsoletes: libmysqlclient_r15 <= 5.0.96 Obsoletes: libmysqlclient_r15-32bit <= 5.0.96 Obsoletes: libnet <= Obsoletes: libnetpbm10 <= 10.26.44 Obsoletes: libnetpbm10-32bit <= 10.26.44 Obsoletes: libnice0 <= 0.0.9 Obsoletes: libofx4 <= 0.9.0 Obsoletes: libopenobex1 <= 1.5 Obsoletes: libopensc2 <= 0.11.6 Obsoletes: libopensc2-32bit <= 0.11.6 Obsoletes: libopensync <= 0.22 Obsoletes: libotr2 <= 3.2.0 Obsoletes: libp11-1 <= 0.2.4 Obsoletes: libp11-1-32bit <= 0.2.4 Obsoletes: libpcap0 <= 0.9.8 Obsoletes: libpcap0-32bit <= 0.9.8 Obsoletes: libpoppler5 <= 0.12.3 Obsoletes: libproxy0 <= 0.3.1 Obsoletes: libproxy0-32bit <= 0.3.1 Obsoletes: libpython2_6-1_0 <= 2.6.9 Obsoletes: libpython2_6-1_0-32bit <= 2.6.9 Obsoletes: libraptor1 <= 1.4.18 Obsoletes: libraw1394-8 <= 1.3.0 Obsoletes: libraw1394-8-32bit <= 1.3.0 Obsoletes: libreadline5 <= 5.2 Obsoletes: libreadline5-32bit <= 5.2 Obsoletes: libreoffice-languagetool <= 2.0 Obsoletes: libreoffice-thesaurus-en <= 20060111.1 Obsoletes: librpcsecgss <= 0.18 Obsoletes: libsamplerate <= 0.1.4 Obsoletes: libseccomp1 <= 1.0.1 Obsoletes: libsensors3 <= 2.10.6 Obsoletes: libsmbios2-32bit <= 2.0.2 Obsoletes: libssh2 <= 0.2 Obsoletes: libstdc++43 <= 4.6.9 Obsoletes: libstdc++43-32bit <= 4.6.9 Obsoletes: libstdc++43-devel <= 4.6.9 Obsoletes: libstdc++43-devel-32bit <= 4.6.9 Obsoletes: libtag-extras0 <= 0.1.6 Obsoletes: libtasn1-3 <= 1.5 Obsoletes: libtasn1-3-32bit <= 1.5 Obsoletes: libtiff3 <= 3.8.2 Obsoletes: libtiff3-32bit <= 3.8.2 Obsoletes: libudev0 <= 147 Obsoletes: libudev0-32bit <= 147 Obsoletes: libunique-1_0-0 <= 1.1.2 Obsoletes: libusbmuxd1 <= 1.0.7 Obsoletes: libvpx0 <= 0.9.7 Obsoletes: libwpd-0_8-8 <= 0.8.14 Obsoletes: libwpg-0_1-1 <= 0.1.3 Obsoletes: libxcrypt <= 3.0.3 Obsoletes: libxcrypt-32bit <= 3.0.3 Obsoletes: libyajl1 <= 1.0.11 Obsoletes: libyajl1-32bit <= 1.0.11 Obsoletes: licenses <= 20070810 Obsoletes: lilo <= 22.8 Obsoletes: linux-atm-lib <= 2.5.0 Obsoletes: meanwhile <= 1.0.2 Obsoletes: misc-console-font <= 3.5.10 Obsoletes: mozilla-kde4-integration <= 0.6.3 Obsoletes: novell-nortelplugins <= 0.1.4 Obsoletes: ncpfs <= 2.2.6 Obsoletes: ncpfs-32bit <= 2.2.6 Obsoletes: novell-NLDAPbase-dyn <= 3.4.1 Obsoletes: novell-NLDAPsdk-dyn <= 3.4.1 Obsoletes: novell-filesystem <= 0.0.1 Obsoletes: novell-iprint-xclient-sl <= 6.503.20111114 Obsoletes: novell-ldapext-32bit <= 0.0.1 Obsoletes: novell-messenger-client <= 2.0.4 Obsoletes: novell-nortelplugins <= 0.1.4 Obsoletes: novell-xtier-base <= 3.1.8 Obsoletes: nici64 <= 2.7.4 Obsoletes: nspluginwrapper <= Obsoletes: numactl <= 2.0.7 Obsoletes: OpenOffice_org-openclipart <= 3 Obsoletes: PolicyKit-32bit <= 0.9 Obsoletes: pcmciautils < 017 Obsoletes: pinentry-qt <= 0.7.5 Obsoletes: phalanx <= 22 Obsoletes: providers <= 2006.11.21 Obsoletes: python-qt <= 3.18.1 Obsoletes: qt3 <= 3.3.8b Obsoletes: qtcurve-gtk2 <= 0.59.7 Obsoletes: qtcurve-gtk2-32bit <= 0.59.7 Obsoletes: sash <= 3.7 Obsoletes: sled-installquick_fr <= 11.3 Obsoletes: sles-kvm_en-pdf <= 11.3 Obsoletes: scpm <= 1.1.7 Obsoletes: scrollkeeper <= 0.3.14 Obsoletes: suse-sam-data <= 0.8.4 Obsoletes: tunables <= 1 Obsoletes: tunables-branding-SLED <= 1 Obsoletes: ulimit <= 1.2 Obsoletes: unarj <= 2.65 Obsoletes: wvdial <= 1.60 Obsoletes: virt-utils <= 1.2.1 Obsoletes: x11-input-fujitsu AutoReqProv: on BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build ExclusiveArch: %ix86 x86_64 %description SUSE Linux Enterprise offers a comprehensive suite of products built on a single code base. The platform addresses business needs from the smallest thin-client devices to the world's most powerful high-performance computing and mainframe servers. SUSE Linux Enterprise offers common management tools and technology certifications across the platform, and each product is enterprise-class. SUSE Linux Enterprise provides more than a cute desktop product or a basic server offering. It is the only Linux platform for enterprise computing, and it is now replacing UNIX* and Windows* as well. %package MINI License: BSD-3-Clause Group: System/Fhs Provides: product_flavor() Provides: flavor(MINI) Provides: product_flavor(SLED) = 12-0 Summary: SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 %description MINI SUSE Linux Enterprise offers a comprehensive suite of products built on a single code base. The platform addresses business needs from the smallest thin-client devices to the world's most powerful high-performance computing and mainframe servers. SUSE Linux Enterprise offers common management tools and technology certifications across the platform, and each product is enterprise-class. SUSE Linux Enterprise provides more than a cute desktop product or a basic server offering. It is the only Linux platform for enterprise computing, and it is now replacing UNIX* and Windows* as well. %files MINI %defattr(-,root,root) %doc %{_defaultdocdir}/sled-release-MINI %package DVD License: BSD-3-Clause Group: System/Fhs Provides: product_flavor() Provides: flavor(DVD) Provides: product_flavor(SLED) = 12-0 Summary: SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 %description DVD SUSE Linux Enterprise offers a comprehensive suite of products built on a single code base. The platform addresses business needs from the smallest thin-client devices to the world's most powerful high-performance computing and mainframe servers. SUSE Linux Enterprise offers common management tools and technology certifications across the platform, and each product is enterprise-class. SUSE Linux Enterprise provides more than a cute desktop product or a basic server offering. It is the only Linux platform for enterprise computing, and it is now replacing UNIX* and Windows* as well. %files DVD %defattr(-,root,root) %doc %{_defaultdocdir}/sled-release-DVD %package POOL License: BSD-3-Clause Group: System/Fhs Provides: product_flavor() Provides: flavor(POOL) Provides: product_flavor(SLED) = 12-0 Summary: SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 %description POOL SUSE Linux Enterprise offers a comprehensive suite of products built on a single code base. The platform addresses business needs from the smallest thin-client devices to the world's most powerful high-performance computing and mainframe servers. SUSE Linux Enterprise offers common management tools and technology certifications across the platform, and each product is enterprise-class. SUSE Linux Enterprise provides more than a cute desktop product or a basic server offering. It is the only Linux platform for enterprise computing, and it is now replacing UNIX* and Windows* as well. %files POOL %defattr(-,root,root) %doc %{_defaultdocdir}/sled-release-POOL %prep %build %install mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc echo -e "\nWelcome to SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 (%{_target_cpu}) - Kernel \\\r (\\\l).\n\n" > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/issue echo -e "Welcome to SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 (%{_target_cpu}) - Kernel %%r (%%t)." > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/ # create /etc/SuSE-release - deprecated, FATE#316268 echo "SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 (%{_target_cpu})" > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/SuSE-release echo VERSION = 12 >> $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/SuSE-release echo PATCHLEVEL = 0 >> $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/SuSE-release echo "# This file is deprecated and will be removed in a future service pack or release." >> $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/SuSE-release echo "# Please check /etc/os-release for details about this release." >> $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/SuSE-release touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/motd # Bug 409980 - /etc/YaST/control.xml should be owned by some package mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/YaST2/ echo $RPM_BUILD_ROOT cp -av /CD1/control.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/YaST2/ mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc cat >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/os-release << EOF NAME="SLED" VERSION="%{version}%{?betaversion: }%{?betaversion}" VERSION_ID="%{version}%{?betaversion?: }%{?betaversion}" PRETTY_NAME="SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12" ID="sled" ANSI_COLOR="0;32" CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:suse:sled:12" EOF mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/products.d cat >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/products.d/ << EOF <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <product schemeversion="0"> <vendor>SUSE</vendor> <name>SLED</name> <version>12</version> <baseversion>12</baseversion> <patchlevel>0</patchlevel> <predecessor>SUSE_SLED</predecessor> <release>0</release> <endoflife>2019-10-31</endoflife> <arch>%{_target_cpu}</arch> <cpeid>cpe:/o:suse:sled:12</cpeid> <productline>sled</productline> <register> <target>sle-12-x86_64</target> <updates> %ifarch x86_64 <repository repoid="obsrepository://" /> %endif %ifarch x86_64 <repository repoid="obsrepository://" /> %endif </updates> </register> <upgrades /> <updaterepokey>A43242FFF</updaterepokey> <summary>SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12</summary> <shortsummary>SLED12</shortsummary> <description>SUSE Linux Enterprise offers a comprehensive suite of products built on a single code base. The platform addresses business needs from the smallest thin-client devices to the world's most powerful high-performance computing and mainframe servers. SUSE Linux Enterprise offers common management tools and technology certifications across the platform, and each product is enterprise-class. SUSE Linux Enterprise provides more than a cute desktop product or a basic server offering. It is the only Linux platform for enterprise computing, and it is now replacing UNIX* and Windows* as well.</description> <linguas> <language>cs</language> <language>da</language> <language>de</language> <language>en</language> <language>en_GB</language> <language>en_US</language> <language>es</language> <language>fi</language> <language>fr</language> <language>hu</language> <language>it</language> <language>ja</language> <language>nb</language> <language>nl</language> <language>pl</language> <language>pt</language> <language>pt_BR</language> <language>ru</language> <language>sv</language> <language>zh</language> <language>zh_CN</language> <language>zh_TW</language> </linguas> <urls> <url name="releasenotes">{_target_cpu}/SUSE-SLED/12/release-notes-sled.rpm</url> </urls> <buildconfig> <producttheme>SLED</producttheme> <allowresolving>false</allowresolving> </buildconfig> <installconfig> <defaultlang>en_US</defaultlang> <datadir>suse</datadir> <descriptiondir>suse/setup/descr</descriptiondir> <releasepackage name="%{name}" flag="EQ" version="%{version}" release="%{release}" /> <distribution>SUSE_SLE</distribution> </installconfig> <runtimeconfig /> <productdependency relationship="provides" name="SUSE_SLE" baseversion="12" patchlevel="0" flag="EQ" /> <productdependency relationship="provides" name="SUSE_SLE-SP0" baseversion="12" patchlevel="0" flag="EQ" /> </product> EOF mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_defaultdocdir}/sled-release-MINI cat >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_defaultdocdir}/sled-release-MINI/README << EOF This package only exists for providing the product flavor 'MINI'. EOF mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_defaultdocdir}/sled-release-DVD cat >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_defaultdocdir}/sled-release-DVD/README << EOF This package only exists for providing the product flavor 'DVD'. EOF mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_defaultdocdir}/sled-release-POOL cat >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_defaultdocdir}/sled-release-POOL/README << EOF This package only exists for providing the product flavor 'POOL'. EOF %post if [ -L /etc/products.d/baseproduct ] ; then PRODLINK=`readlink -f /etc/products.d/baseproduct` PRODLINK=`basename $PRODLINK` if [ $PRODLINK == "" ]; then ln -sf /etc/products.d/baseproduct fi fi %clean rm -rf %buildroot %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %config /etc/SuSE-release %config /etc/os-release %dir /etc/products.d /etc/products.d/* %dir /etc/YaST2/ %config /etc/YaST2/control.xml %config(noreplace) /etc/motd %config(noreplace) /etc/issue %config(noreplace) /etc/ %changelog
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