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#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) 2014 Robert Milasan <> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # This script run manually by user, will generate a persistent rule for # a given network interface to rename it to new interface name. # _prj="$(basename $0 2>/dev/null)" prj="${_prj%.*}" ver="0.2" log_info() { local msg="$1" echo "$prj: $msg" } log_error() { local msg="$1" echo "$prj: $msg" >&2 } usage() { cat << EOF $prj: udev persistent rule generator script Usage: $prj [OPTION] ... -h Show this help -l List available interfaces -m Generate the persistent rule based on interface MAC address default option, if nothing is specified -p Generate the persistent rule based on interface PCI slot -v Be more verbose -V Output the version number -c [INTERFACE] Current interface name (ex: ip link) only needed for retrieving information -n [INTERFACE] New interface name (ex: net0) -o [FILE] Where to write the new generate rule (default: /dev/stdout) prefered location is /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules Example: $prj -v -c enp0s4 -n lan0 or $prj -m -c enp0s4 -n net0 -o /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules or $prj -p -c wlp3s0 -n wlan0 -o /etc/udev/rules.d/50-mynet.rules EOF } display_note() { cat << EOF NOTE: Using the generate persistent rule might mean you will need to do extra work to ensure that it will work accordingly. This mean, regenerating the initramfs/initrd image and/or using 'net.ifnames=0' option at boot time. In openSUSE/SUSE, the user will need to regenerate the initramfs/initrd image, but usually there is no need for 'net.ifnames=0' option if the persistent rule is available in initramfs/initrd image. EOF } get_pci() { local path="$1" local pci="" if [ -L "$path/device" ]; then local pci_link="$(readlink -f $path/device 2>/dev/null)" pci="$(basename $pci_link 2>/dev/null)" fi echo $pci } get_pci_id() { local path="$1" local pci_id="" if [ -r "$path/device/uevent" ]; then local _pci_id="$(cat $path/device/uevent|grep ^PCI_ID 2>/dev/null)" pci_id="${_pci_id#*=}" fi echo $pci_id } get_macaddr() { local path="$1" local macaddr="" if [ -r "$path/address" ]; then macaddr="$(cat $path/address 2>/dev/null)" fi echo $macaddr } get_type() { local path="$1" local dev_type="" if [ -r "$path/type" ]; then dev_type="$(cat $path/type 2>/dev/null)" fi echo $dev_type } get_dev_id() { local path="$1" local dev_id="" if [ -r "$path/dev_id" ]; then dev_id="$(cat $path/dev_id 2>/dev/null)" fi echo $dev_id } get_devtype() { local path="$1" local devtype="" if [ -r "$path/uevent" ]; then local _devtype="$(cat $path/uevent|grep ^DEVTYPE 2>/dev/null)" devtype="${_devtype#*=}" fi echo $devtype } get_subsystem() { local path="$1" local subsystem="" if [ -L "$path/subsystem" ]; then local subsystem_link="$(readlink -f $path/subsystem 2>/dev/null)" subsystem="$(basename $subsystem_link 2>/dev/null)" fi echo $subsystem } get_parent_subsystem() { local path="$1" local subsystem="" if [ -L "$path/device/subsystem" ]; then local subsystem_link="$(readlink -f $path/device/subsystem 2>/dev/null)" subsystem="$(basename $subsystem_link 2>/dev/null)" fi echo $subsystem } get_driver() { local path="$1" local driver="" if [ -L "$path/device/driver" ]; then local driver_link="$(readlink -f $path/device/driver 2>/dev/null)" driver="$(basename $driver_link 2>/dev/null)" fi echo $driver } valid_mac() { local macaddr="$1" local valid_macaddr="" if [ -n "$macaddr" ]; then valid_macaddr="$(echo $macaddr | sed -n '/^\([0-9a-z][0-9a-z]:\)\{5\}[0-9a-z][0-9a-z]$/p')" fi echo $valid_macaddr } valid_dev_type() { local dev_type="$1" case "$dev_type" in [0-32]) echo "$dev_type" ;; *) echo "invalid" ;; esac } generate_comment() { local pci_id="$1" local driver="$2" local output="$3" local device_type="$4" local _type="" if [ -z "$pci_id" ]; then log_error "\$pci_id empty." exit 1 elif [ -z "$driver" ]; then log_error "\$driver empty." exit 1 elif [ -z "$output" ]; then log_error "\$output empty." exit 1 else if [ "$device_type" == "pci" ]; then _type="PCI" elif [ "$device_type" == "usb" ]; then _type="USB" else _type="Unknown" fi echo "# $_type device $pci_id ($driver)" >> $output fi } generate_rule() { local _subsystem="$1" local _mac="$2" local _pci="$3" local _dev_id="$4" local _dev_type="$5" local _kernel="$6" local _interface="$7" local output="$8" if [ -z "$_subsystem" ]; then log_error "\$_subsystem empty." exit 1 elif [ -z "$_dev_id" ]; then log_error "\$_dev_id empty." exit 1 elif [ -z "$_dev_type" ]; then log_error "\$_dev_type empty." exit 1 elif [ -z "$_kernel" ]; then log_error "\$_kernel empty." exit 1 elif [ -z "$_interface" ]; then log_error "\$_interface empty." exit 1 elif [ -z "$output" ]; then output="/dev/stdout" fi if [ "$_mac" != "none" ]; then echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"$_subsystem\", ACTION==\"add\", DRIVERS==\"?*\", ATTR{address}==\"$_mac\", \ ATTR{dev_id}==\"$_dev_id\", ATTR{type}==\"$_dev_type\", KERNEL==\"$_kernel\", NAME=\"$_interface\"" >> ${output} elif [ "$_pci" != "none" ]; then echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"$_subsystem\", ACTION==\"add\", DRIVERS==\"?*\", KERNELS==\"$_pci\", \ ATTR{dev_id}==\"$_dev_id\", ATTR{type}==\"$_dev_type\", KERNEL==\"$_kernel\", NAME=\"$_interface\"" >> ${output} else log_error "MAC address or PCI slot information missing." exit 1 fi } list_adapters() { declare -a netdev local count=0 local _netdev="" local _dev="" for _dev in $SYSPATH/*; do if [ -L "$_dev/device" ]; then local _dev_type="$(cat $_dev/type 2>/dev/null)" if [ "$(valid_dev_type $_dev_type)" == "invalid" ]; then continue; fi _dev="$(basename $_dev 2>/dev/null)" netdev[$count]="$_dev" count=$((count + 1)) fi done echo "Found $count network interfaces:" for _netdev in "${netdev[@]}"; do _macaddr="$(get_macaddr $SYSPATH/$_netdev)" _pcislot="$(get_pci $SYSPATH/$_netdev)" echo "I: INTERFACE: $_netdev" echo "I: MACADDR: $_macaddr" echo "I: PCI: $_pcislot" done } if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then usage log_error "missing option(s)." exit 1 fi SYSPATH="/sys/class/net" use_mac=0 use_pci=0 use_verbose=0 while getopts "hlmpvVc:n:o:" opt; do case "$opt" in h) usage; exit 0;; l) list_adapters; exit 0;; m) use_mac=1 ;; p) use_pci=1 ;; v) use_verbose=1 ;; V) echo "$prj $ver"; exit 0;; c) ifcur="$OPTARG" ;; n) ifnew="$OPTARG" ;; o) output="$OPTARG" ;; \?) exit 1 ;; esac done if [[ "$use_mac" -eq 0 ]] && [[ "$use_pci" -eq 0 ]]; then use_mac=1 fi if [[ "$use_mac" -eq 1 ]] && [[ "$use_pci" -eq 1 ]]; then log_error "generating a persistent rule can be done only using one of the option, -m or -p, not both." exit 1 fi outfile="$output" if [ -z "$output" ]; then outfile="/dev/stdout" else dir="$(dirname $outfile 2>/dev/null)" tmpfile="$dir/.tmp_file" if [ -d "$dir" ]; then touch "$tmpfile" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log_error "no write access for $outfile. make sure you have write permissions to $dir." exit 1 fi rm -f "$tmpfile" >/dev/null 2>&1 else log_error "$dir not a directory." exit 1 fi fi interface="$ifcur" if [ -z "$interface" ]; then log_error "current interface must be specified." exit 1 elif [ "$interface" == "lo" ]; then log_error "loopback interface is not a valid interface." exit 1 fi [ "$use_verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo "I: INTERFACE=$interface" new_interface="$ifnew" if [ -z "$new_interface" ]; then log_error "new interface must be specified." exit 1 elif [ "$new_interface" == "lo" ]; then log_error "new interface cant be named loopback interface." exit fi [ "$use_verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo "I: INTERFACE_NEW=$new_interface" path="$SYSPATH/$interface" if [ ! -d "$path" ]; then log_error "devpath $path not a directory." exit 1 fi [ "$use_verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo "I: DEVPATH=$path" devtype="$(get_devtype $path)" if [ -n "$devtype" ]; then [ "$use_verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo "I: DEVTYPE=$devtype" fi parent_subsystem="$(get_parent_subsystem $path)" if [ -z "$parent_subsystem" ]; then log_error "unable to retrieve parent subsystem for interface $interface." exit 1 fi [ "$use_verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo "I: PARENT_SUBSYSTEM=$parent_subsystem" subsystem="$(get_subsystem $path)" if [ -z "$subsystem" ]; then log_error "unable to retrieve subsystem for interface $interface." exit 1 fi [ "$use_verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo "I: SUBSYSTEM=$subsystem" pci_id="$(get_pci_id $path)" if [ -z "$pci_id" ]; then pci_id="0x:0x" fi [ "$use_verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo "I: PCI_ID=$pci_id" driver="$(get_driver $path)" if [ -z "$driver" ]; then log_error "unable to retrieve driver for interface $interface." exit 1 fi [ "$use_verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo "I: DRIVER=$driver" if [ "$use_mac" -eq 1 ]; then macaddr="$(get_macaddr $path)" if [ -z "$macaddr" ]; then log_error "unable to retrieve MAC address for interface $interface." exit 1 fi if [ "$(valid_mac $macaddr)" != "$macaddr" ]; then log_error "$macaddr invalid MAC address." exit 1 fi [ "$use_verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo "I: MACADDR=$macaddr" fi if [ "$use_pci" -eq 1 ]; then pci="$(get_pci $path)" if [ -z "$pci" ]; then log_error "unable to retrieve PCI slot for interface $interface." exit 1 fi [ "$use_verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo "I: KERNELS=$pci" fi dev_id="$(get_dev_id $path)" if [ -z "$dev_id" ]; then log_error "unable to retrieve dev_id for interface $interface." exit 1 fi [ "$use_verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo "I: DEV_ID=$dev_id" dev_type="$(get_type $path)" if [ -z "$dev_type" ]; then log_error "unable to retrieve dev_type for interface $interface." exit 1 elif [ "$(valid_dev_type $dev_type)" == "invalid" ]; then log_info "$interface not a supported device." exit 1 fi [ "$use_verbose" -eq 1 ] && echo "I: TYPE=$dev_type" kernel="eth*" if [ -n "$devtype" ]; then if [ "$devtype" == "wlan" ]; then kernel="wlan*" fi fi if [ -n "$output" ]; then echo "Persistent rule written to "$outfile"" generate_comment "$pci_id" "$driver" "$outfile" "$parent_subsystem" fi if [ "$use_mac" -eq 1 ]; then generate_rule "$subsystem" "$macaddr" "none" "$dev_id" "$dev_type" "$kernel" "$new_interface" if [ -n "$output" ]; then generate_rule "$subsystem" "$macaddr" "none" "$dev_id" "$dev_type" "$kernel" "$new_interface" "$outfile" fi elif [ "$use_pci" -eq 1 ]; then generate_rule "$subsystem" "none" "$pci" "$dev_id" "$dev_type" "$kernel" "$new_interface" if [ -n "$output" ]; then generate_rule "$subsystem" "none" "$pci" "$dev_id" "$dev_type" "$kernel" "$new_interface" "$outfile" fi fi if [ -n "$output" ]; then display_note fi exit 0
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